New Pet Goals

12 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
3rd May 2012 06:37Figaro Army [] (consisting of the following) :
Sleepy Figaro []
Minipet Figaro []
Chinese Figaro [] (Suitsu)
Mutant Figaro [] (Niet)
Polar Figaro [x]
Prison Figaro [] (Vemzi)
Sports Figaro []
Splatter Figaro [x]
Zombie Figaro []
Earthfairy Figaro [x]
Mummy Figaro []
Mental Figaro [] (Abzurd)
Valentine Figaro []
Kamilah Figaro []
At least 2 plain Figaros []
Ultimate goal: Keep a few of my pets and have one of every figaro even plain colors []
Ones with names by them:
If I still have those pets and I manage to be able to create some of my figgys I hope to make those figaros with the name along side them <3