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  1. Hehe,Just Random Stuffs you find on Blogs
    25th Dec 2007 03:07
    17 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
  2. Trunx Theatre
    21st Dec 2007 09:16
    17 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  3. Cool People of Mara!
    19th Oct 2007 09:46
    17 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
    29th Sep 2007 04:41
    17 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  5. Goals
    22nd Aug 2007 01:45
    17 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  6. BIRTHDAYS!!!!!!!!!!
    19th Jul 2007 09:29
    17 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
17 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
29th Sep 2007 04:41

Stop animal abuse!NOW!Here are afew poems...

Please copy and paste this to your blog if you have a heart.

I listened to your feelings.
I heard what you had to say.
I thought you wanted me to stay.
You sold me to a stranger and didn't say good-bye.
He left me outside and didn't even play.
He didn't come out to feed me.
I had almost no water.
He came outside to beat me, I do not know why.
He drove me to the woods and left me there to die.
I really miss you, mom.
I didn't want to go.
I hope you remember me as the days go by.
I look down at you and smile happily as I see you and your new family playing with a different pet.
I hope everybody will try to stop animal abuse so they don't end up like me.


Copy and paste. Poem by ChibbyPrincess.

Little padding pawsteps,
Hardly a step behind,
Comes a little kitten,
Purring, bright and fine.
Then you hear a little scream,
You turn to look behind,
And who else do you see,
But the little kitten being strangled,
As breathless can be.
It struggles,
Then stills,
It's already out of breath,
And what else can you do,
but see its tiny death?


A cute little puppy I am (or was)
Just a bundle of sweet soft fuzz
The world smelled so beautifully
As I was born as number three.
But taken into a cold harsh world,
My darkened future then uncurled.
I strangled in the smell of paint
My nose itchy, my thoughts faint.
The essence of hatred lingered close
As I was stuffed an overdose
Of poison paint that filled me up
As they fed me, cup by cup.
When I was full, no more would fit,
They forced me up, I tried to sit,
But as you know, an oven???s too small
For even me to fit at all.
So there I lay, tired and beat,
As they turned the dial and added more heat
I panted, cried, and clawed the walls
And did all I could so my death was stalled
But I was alone, filled with dread
For many minutes until I finally was dead.
My spirit filled the room and saw
The laughter of three boys so tall.
They opened it up and pulled me away
But in this deathtrap I couldn???t stay.
So up I went, my spirit soared
Into the night sky as rain poured.
I landed in heaven above every cloud
But still I heard their laughter loud.
It rang in my ears, bounced in my mind,
And forever it scarred me from all mankind.
Never again would I rest in peace.
The maniacal laughter would not cease.
And I never would live to see the day
When people like this would go away.

it this made you think copy and paste this for all to see


I'm laying in a cage
I'm feeling scared and sad
I've been here for a week
I was left by my dad

I joined him as a puppy
He fast became my friend
He cared for me with love
Said he'd love me to the end

Then my dad got older
He found a new mate
She really didn't like me
Said I was out of date

They brought me here a week ago
A lady took me at the desk
She put me in this cage
And left me with the rest

A whole week has passed
I'm still here alone
He hasn't come back
He's left me all alone

The lady's coming to me
Lifting me up
She takes me to a table
And says, "Good pup".

She's pulling out a needle
It stings like a bee
Now she is crying
Saying bye to me

He left me here alone
He stopped loving me
He left me in a cage
But now I'm free.

Don't abandon your pet. They love you, and will be loyal to you til the end. Shouldn't you do the same for them? If you love your pet, or cats and dogs at all, post this poem in your blog.

  1. Hehe,Just Random Stuffs you find on Blogs
    25th Dec 2007 03:07
    17 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
  2. Trunx Theatre
    21st Dec 2007 09:16
    17 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  3. Cool People of Mara!
    19th Oct 2007 09:46
    17 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
    29th Sep 2007 04:41
    17 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  5. Goals
    22nd Aug 2007 01:45
    17 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  6. BIRTHDAYS!!!!!!!!!!
    19th Jul 2007 09:29
    17 years, 7 months & 27 days ago