Cool People of Mara!

17 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
19th Oct 2007 09:46lizzieborden: Shes fantastic!She got me my dream pet!BreBre90!I traded her Skyblueby,an inside-out crindol,for a mutant lati!I did not know it wasn't worth it,but I figuered it out later!She traded me anyway!THANK YOU LIZZIE!YOU ROCK!

Lavie: Shes amazing.Not because she is a moderator,shes a fantastic roleplay teacher!Lavie,you've got some talent there,keep it up,Im so glad I got taught by you.You've got so much patience with me,I probably take up all your time...I wanted to say,your fantastic!Your teaching is fantastic too^^You ROCK!!

noondog: Yeah^^She rules the world!She sent me a Male Nefarious Costume for free!Tis my first halloween and she made it extra special,she rocks!THNAK YOU NOONY!!I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH!
starryball: Yet another cool person!First,she made my profile for FREE!And she is my marapal!And now,on my B-day,she gave me a PRINCESS COSTUME!And a siggy she made for me!And guess what she made a WEBSITE saying'Happy b-day!'I haven't met a person so kind in my whole life!Starry?YOU ROCK!I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH!!YOUR SO COOL!

Oh and Starry and Summer are Best Friends for Life!
adidasumbronike: My brother!He wanted to go on for a second,just to check MMs and stuff,I let him on,He told me not to look,so I went out of the room.Once he was done,I logged back onto mine and he sent me 3 diffrent spider lollys!