
11 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
17th Aug 2013 17:24>Pets<
Fangorn to Plant Yuni[12/17/12]
Darisha to Splatter Yuni[11/19/12]
Portkeys to Wizard Yuni[9/22/13]
Pepperminty to IceCream Mordo[3/11/13]
Rename MiniMuss to Pesternomi[9/2/13]
Pesternomi to Cartoon Mordo[2/21/15]
Usko to Cowboy Yuni[11/28/12]
Filibusters to Firework Gizmo[9/2/13]
Rename Zorranan to Halfling[9/6/13]
Rescostume Darisha to Dragon Yuni[9/1/15]
Recostume Fangorn to Spring Decadal[2/26/15]
Rename Darisha[4/21/16]
Rename Pepperminty to Mund[7/24/19]
Change species of Mund[]
Rename Mund to Harfoot [9/12/22]
Recostume Mund[]
Filibusters to Astro[x]
Filibusters to Starry Astro[2/10/17]
Filibusters to Splatter Straya [9/12/22]
10mil in bank[11/16/12]
20mil in bank[8/30/13]
100mil in bank[4/14/2020]
Finish EPI[2/28/13]
Finish Fishing Map (1,312,500 RP) [x]
Finish Foxfire Map [12/16/15]
Finish Whirlpool Map [11/16/17]
Finish Carpenter Map [2019]
Complete Fates[7/11/13]