>Available LOTR Names<

11 years, 6 months & 4 days ago
6th Sep 2013 18:29Elven Word List:
Adanedhel - 'elf-man'.
Aglarond - 'Halls-of-Glory' The Sindarin name for the Glittering Caves of Helm's Deep.
Alqua - Sindarin word for 'swan'.
Ambarona - Combination of Quenya words meaning 'Worlds-birth' used by Treebeard the Ent.
Anod - 'Ent'. Sindarin word referring to the ancient race of tree guardians
Certhas - Rune
Coranar - Quenya word meaning 'Sun-round'.
Cormallen - Sindarin word meaning 'Ring-bearers'.
Cormare - Quenya word meaning 'Ring-day'. The birthday of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins.
Cuivie - 'awaking'.
Dunadan - Sindarin for 'Man-of-the-West'. Referring to the Men of Westernesse, or N??menor, and their descendents. (singular of Dunedain)
Echuir - The season of the year known in the Elves' calendar system know as 'stirring'.
Esgal - 'screen, hiding'.
Firith - Sindarin word for 'Fading'
Formen - Quenya word for 'North'.
Namarieor Navaer - Sindarin word for 'Farewell'. (both words available)
Ndengina - Sindarin for 'Kill'.
Nikerym - Means 'Captain'.
Nogoth - Means 'Dwarf'.
Onodrim - Sindarin name for the Ents, plural.
Onod - Sindarin name fore Ents, singular.
Pelargir - is a Sindarin word that meant 'Garth of Royal Ships'.
Palantiri - A Quenyan word that means 'Far seeing'. It is the root of Palantir.
Quendi - Quenya word for "the Speakers."
Tengwa - Quenya word for 'Letter'.
Ulairi - Quenya word for Nazgul or Ringwraith.
Lord of the Rings Locations:
Farthings - the Four Farthings divisions of the Shire, similar to counties.
Lord of the Rings Terminology:
Dotard - a senile person.
Embroiled(er) - involved in conflict.
Gainsaid - contradicted.
Galadhrim - The elves of Lothlorien.
Ghylls - a deep, rocky ravine; gully.
Hithlain - A strong, grey, silky material used by the Elves of Lothlorien to make rope.
Ithildin - A magical substance made by the Elves from mithril.
Mallorns - The Elvish name for the golden-leaved trees of Lorien.
Mathom - Hobbit term for an old item that no one remembers the use of, but no one wants to throw away.
Mellyrn - The Elvish name for the golden-leaved trees of Lorien.
Miruvor - A clear and colorless Elven drink that restores strength and vigour.
Silmarils - Three jewels made by the elf Feanor, which captured some of the light of the Two Trees lighting Valinor.
Terebinth - a small tree that yields turpentine.
Tilth - cultivated land.
Whortleberry - European blueberry.
Yrch - The Sindarin word for Orcs.
I'm hoping all the spelling is correct because I took them from glossary's from google. If they are incorrect, I'm sorry! : (
Please post the name you take if you take one! : )