Good Books. Read them.

17 years, 5 months & 11 days ago
6th Oct 2007 06:19Books I like:
Harry Potter Series,
Warriors Series (( by Erin Hunter)),
Anything by Michael Crichton (( Congo is my fave, but I love Jurassic Park and the lost world)),
To Kill a Mockingbird,
Old Yeller,
Eragon/ Eldest,
The call of the Wild
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Restuarant at the End of the Universe,
Life, The Universe, and Everything,
So Long and Thanks for All the Fish,
Mostly Harmless,
There are more books to be added to the list, I just have a bad memory.
Obviously my tastes in books vary. I will read just about anything, so please if you have a suggestion of a good book, mm me. I will read it and possibly add it to my list.