Club stuff
17 years, 3 months & 24 days ago

23rd Nov 2007 08:54
For the benefit of our club members, all of the clan/character information has been posted here. This is to eliminate confusion, as the club homepage has become a bit cluttered.
There are five clans.Wolfclan, Starclan, Skyclan, Roseclan, and Petalclan.The territory is around the lake.
* *Starclan* *
When cats die, whether it natural or not, they join Starclan.
Starpelt- 20 moons Gray with silver eyes and white paws and tail tip She was once a medicine cat.
One of the most honest and loyal clans, will help any clan or cat in need, though they can be harsh. They live in the old Shadowclan territory.
Medicine cat:none
Warriors: Frostshadow: A dark grey tom with strange light blue tint on his fur. Dark, cold blue eyes. He is very large, and scarred from old battles.30 moons.
Apprentices:Raccoonpaw ('Coonpaw) A small, blueish-grey she cat with a white belly and three black rings around her tail. She has black tabby marks on her face, and bright green eyes. Recieved a message from Starclan of a grim new prophesy.Training to be a medicine cat.(naunamay)
Loyal to their leader, they will fight to the death.They are brave, and most of them are merciful. Lives in the old Windclan territory.
*Leader:Lionstar-she-cat, SkyClan, leader, long haired she-cat with a golden pelt and white paws, chest, muzzle, and tipped ears and tail. Golden amber eyes.
Medicine cat: Silverstream-A 24 moon old, slender silver she-cat with bright green eyes. Very long tail, has flecks of darker grey.
Mosshadow 25 moons looks: is Oakpaw
Firepool, tom, SkyClan, warrior, dark ginger pelt with fainter stripes. Dark river blue eyes. Mossshadow *loves*
Oakpaw 8 moons looks: A ginger she-cat with honey eyes, white paws, and white tipped tail, ears, and muzzle. mentor is Mosshadow.
{description undecided}Lives in the old Thunderclan territory.
Leader: Moonstar {12 moons} Pure white with gray paws and a gray tail tip.Beautiful lavender eyes. In love with Iceclaw.
Deputy:Smokesky {23 moons}
Medicine cat: Amber- An amber-eyed, tortoiseshell she cat with a white tail-tip, and paws. She was once a kittypet, and her caring nature made her a clear choice for medicine cat.
Iceclaw:A very curious and adventurous tom. Pale blueish gray with slightly darker gray stipes. Icy blue eyes, and a white muzzle and belly. Formerly a kittypet, but long since left to join Roseclan. Moonstar's mate.
Wolfwisper- {10 moons} Brown solid fur.Beautiful blue eyes.Wears a ruby on a simple silver chain around her neck.
Snowfur- A beuatiful white she-cat with lavender eyes and a silver-dipped tail. She is kind and very defensive about her kits, Sunpelt, and Moonstar.
Sunpelt- 12 moons Solid ginger fur and dazzling green eyes
Starshimmer Beautiful amber eyes.Fur color is a gentle silverish blue.One white paw and three black ones.Tail tip is white.Small white dots all over pelt.
Lavenderpaw: Gray she-cat with darker gray paws, and brilliant lavender eyes. Daughter of Moonstar and Iceclaw.
Lightningpaw: Resembles his father, Iceclaw. Electric blue eyes and pale gray fur, with darker stripes. Mother is Moonstar.
Riverpaw: A dainty tortoiseshell she-cat with dark, river-blue eyes. Med. cat apprentice
Splashkit Creamy she-cat with ginger stripes on her back and tail. Raindrop shaped ginger spot on her forehead and a white muzzle. Beautiful green eyes.
Sunkit: A Black she-kit with a white tipped tail and ear.Love'z to explore and is very adventurous, which is why she'z usualy the kit at the bottom of trouble.
Iriskit: A light, cream colored she-cat with brown paws and tail-tip. White muzzle, and hazy blue eyes that almost look purple. Long legs make her a quick runner, and lots of energy makes her a handful. Snowfur looks after her.
A clan of loyal cats, though they can be tricky. These cats love all things beuatiful, often collecting shells and feathers for their dens, like Riverclan did before them. They consider honor to be very important, and will not tolerate rule-breakers.Lives in the old Riverclan territory.
Leader:Ripplestar- A sleek, short furred tom with strange white fur that has tiny light-grey stripes that make his fur look like rippled water. He has keen, light green eyes. He is comanding and swift, as well as sharp of wit.
Deputy: Goldstreak: A pretty white cat with a single golden stripe running along her spine from the base of her neck to the end of her tail. She has one amber eye, but the other is murky blue, and blind. She is extremely loyal to her clan.
And then we have loners:
Obsidian: A sleek black tom who lives near the horseplace. He has short glossy fur and glowing, bright green eyes. He tends to stick to the shadows. The young tom is quick and sly.
Solid gray she-cat with hazel eyes.