Perks for Shield Levels

6 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
26th Jul 2018 21:55 Gold Players (Level 50+) :
Half Price Shares at the Stock Market, Double Toy Blocks from Carpenter,
Double Slates from Simerian Excavator,
Double Codes from Kamilah Traveller,
Double Runes from Simerian Explorer,
FREE Gym for random species of pet,
FREE School for random species of pet,
FREE Elite Gym for random species of pet or FREE University for random species of pet.
Double Robots if you win a minipet at Robot
Repair quests or Double Recycle Points whenever you recycle items
Silver Players (Level 25+) :
Half Price Bingo, 50% Extra MP from a random Temple or Pyramid,
FREE Gym for random costume, FREE School for random costume, FREE Elite Gym for random costume,
2 for 1 items in a random shop, Half Price Sultan Taxes,
2 for 1 Scratch Cards,
2 for 1 Jenoa Scratch Cards or
Double Bones from Grave Robbing.Double Fish if you win a fish item from Fishing,
Double Coins if you win a Fake Dukka Coin or Dukka Coin from Dukka Dash or
Double Memory Points when you delete items (this is has no extra benefit for gold players as they always receive double)
Bronze Players (Level 1+) :
2 for 1 Lottery
Guaranteed Magic Stat at Eleka Fountain or
Guaranteed Wild Minipet if you win the battle
Level 24 - Hatch Instantly all Glowing Eggs added to your Nest can be hatched instantly.
Level 26 - Shusan allows you to carry 12 socks instead of 10.
Level 28 - Double Potatoes whenever Guess the Weight competition is won, receive 2 potato prizes instead of one!
Level 30 - Clock Tower can be visited every 12 hours instead of 24 hours.
Level 33 - Double Charisma from Murfin Madness - earn double the stats you normally would each time.
Level 35 - Bigger Inventory carry a maximum of 100 items instead of 70.
Level 37 - Charisma Stats earned from each School session will be 1 in 3 chance instead of 1 in 4.
Level 40 - Double Photos whenever you win a photo at the Telescope.
Level 43 - Double Photos whenever you use the Webcam feature.
Level 45 - Double Plates whenever you use the Resort feature.
Level 47 - Magic Beans take 50% less time to grow into a Beanstalk.
Level 53 - Shusan allows you to carry 15 socks instead of 12.
Level 55 - Double Item Prizes will be earned from Sewer Struggle.
Level 57 - Charisma Stats earned from each School session will be 1 in 2 chance instead of 1 in 3.
Level 61 - 25% Less Unversity all pet sessions at the University will be 25% less and this does stack with the University Giftbox.
Level 63 - Extra Wishes from the Genie. The genie grants four wishes instead of her usual three.
Level 65 - Win Pies for yourself too whenever you hit another player with a pie at Pie Throw.
Level 67 - Headless Costume item will be won rather than the Decapitating Fairy turning your pet headless at the Guillotine. This means that your pet will be safe to use this feature without changing.
Level 70 - Double Recycle Points whenever you recycle a can, used magazine or newspaper.
Level 75 - Double Magic Beans whenever you win a Magic Bean from the Extract Enpiah game.