Unavailable from 11:00 Mara time to 18:00 Mara time coz it's sleeping time :pHi.. This is SWETA.
25+ years old
Country :INDIA
Thank you for making this lovely art asirpa <3 made by the lovely ZoeGomez
Not a very active player as of now but would love to chat when possible. :)
If there's something in my gallery you urgently need,I can lend it you.. provided you promise to replace it.
Can lend my pet(s) but they are not up for trade unless I say so.
I don't mind lending stuff as long as you send me a Mara Mail saying that you will replace it ASAP and try your best to return the item within a week Got a new phone from which I will be logging on mostly, so staff are requested not to ban my account for using multiple devices, thanks Unavailable from 11:00 Mara time to 18:00 Mara time coz it's sleeping time :p
MT and MM are welcome (:
For Staff : My brother and sister have accounts here. We log in from the same computer(s).We also log in from differnt phones and computers at our uncle's place etc. Please don't ban us. their usernames are - accha and SweetestSweety
I login from several devices.
MM me if you need something or just want to chat (:
Can add me on FB if you like ^^
P.s.- just got a new phone so that is going to be a new IP address from which I will log on. Please don't ban.
P.p.s.- got a laptop, so I'll be using that to login :D
It's time for the most loved season on mara...the Spooky season... oooo
At ATM 2.0 we've lined up a number of events to make this time even more enjoyable. So watchout for all the events!
We are kickstarting with a simple wordsearch because everyone loves one
Here's a Maraween related word search for y'all to solve!
If you want to print it out then you can get the simpler version here :-
The contest STARTS today i.e. 2nd October 00:01 Maratime and ENDS on October 12th AT 23:59 MST
Mail your Answers to Swetanew
P.S.- By mistake I added a word that is actually a wardrobe item instead of a Minipet. So there are 22 minis and 1 wardrobe item. If you miss the wardrobe, it's no big deal.
Thank you Raquel for pointing it out
This contest is now closed. Names of winners were picked by a random generator. Results are in the comments
14 years, 4 months & 28 days ago 15th Oct 2020 05:24
And the winners are.....
1st prize winner- @GRUMPYBOSTON
2nd prize Winner- @FireWingz
3rd prize Winner- @perfectplayer6
Will be sending CEs to you all one by one.
And thank you everyone for participating
14 years, 4 months & 28 days ago 14th Oct 2020 23:57
Answers sent in, thank you very much for the contest!!!
Happy Marawe'en!
14 years, 5 months & 5 days ago 6th Oct 2020 12:56