The 0 MP Challenge

5 years, 4 months & 15 days ago
29th Oct 2019 03:15So, I'm gonna try this challenge.
1. NO taking out money from the bank...any bank
2. NO using dukkas or fake Dukkas won before
3. Selling only those stuff that you win while doing this challenge (unless you want to keep it for yourself)
4. Attic items not to be used for questing
5. Dailies, flash games, restocking, questing allowed (what about missions though?)
6. Temples and Pyramids-?? most probably not gonna count those. The mp will go straight to bank.
begins on- 29.10.2019
ends on- 05.11.2019
Let's do this!
Shop emptied, shop till cleared. Everything is in mara bank.
Did a lot of character ToT so it helped me out MP wise
Did Leprechaun quests as Elger is not an option right now.
Borak quests done as it gives out decent MP.
Played the dailies as much as possible.
Played a few flash games but it rewards way too less MP to be profitable.. (should I consider selling game points instead?)
Received sultan reward which went to the bank straightaway.
Note- It hurts my soul to buy items from SS at 8k when I already have the item in my attic

That alone makes me want to quit

30.10.2019- At the end of the day I have around 200k MP and 111k RP.
Stopping the challenge right now because I need to work on the Halloween events.