Happy and Sad

3 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
22nd Dec 2021 03:10Im almost 30 now and as i look back on past blogs when i was 13 i realize how blissfully ignorant i was and how blissfully ignorant i wish i could be now.
So much has changed..Now a days i struggle to find the good things that have more than the bad.
One major good thing is I quit drinking and smoking cigarretes over a month now.
How funny the irony. At 13 i dont think i ever drank or smoked at that point and now here i can celebrating i quit both. Lol. Life is funny.
Now i just wish and pray i hear from my dear friend Ben. It would be the best to hear from him and hear how hes doing. Talking to him always made me so happy. Do i have stories of my own i wish i could share! He deserves the world and i hope he has it.