Happy and Sad
3 years, 2 months & 26 days ago

22nd Dec 2021 03:10
Im almost 30 now and as i look back on past blogs when i was 13 i realize how blissfully ignorant i was and how blissfully ignorant i wish i could be now.
So much has changed..Now a days i struggle to find the good things that have more than the bad.
One major good thing is I quit drinking and smoking cigarretes over a month now.
How funny the irony. At 13 i dont think i ever drank or smoked at that point and now here i can celebrating i quit both. Lol. Life is funny.
Now i just wish and pray i hear from my dear friend Ben. It would be the best to hear from him and hear how hes doing. Talking to him always made me so happy. Do i have stories of my own i wish i could share! He deserves the world and i hope he has it.
poem called a breeze
17 years, 3 months & 9 days ago

9th Dec 2007 14:49
I like the breeze on a calm,quiet day.Its relaxing to hear the leaves blow and the trees sway.Its like the ocean with out the beach or the water.When it blows i feel it brush past my hairlike its nothing.When I walk on the grass,It feels The chickens have escapedly but bushy,now little tiny bits of rain trickle on my cheek,it feels like tiny feathers are brushing my face and arms
17 years, 5 months & 22 days ago

26th Sep 2007 15:46
hi im really bored but besides the point im really really bored lol sry im trying to keep myself entertained.................