What is this Series?

3 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
19th Aug 2021 14:23Dripping of Imagination in Wonderland is a series that I created that surrounds a galaxy filled to the brim with wonder, magic, and of course, imagination. The series is actually a little Rewrite Series where I take existing characters/worlds/concepts and put my own little spin on them. I usually end up doing this using the characters of some pretty problematic people who I will not be naming nor will I be discussing here. And yes, I'd say that Marapets and its creator fall under that category. But I am just here to give the game a chance, look at both the positive and the negative of it, and to separate the art from the artist. I know that the creator doesn't like being criticized, so I won't be going into full detail about my thoughts of him. Just know that I don't like him, but I am in no way trying to tell you to stop enjoying the good aspects of the game.