Quick Disclaimer:

3 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
19th Aug 2021 14:551. I am a guy, please DO NOT refer to me using she/her pronouns. He/Him and They/Them only please.
2. My series aren't for young children, but I will be sharing the more age-appropriate parts of one of them here. But I do plan on sharing everything else on my social medias (which you can go find yourself if you are AT LEAST 13 years of age).
3. I DO NOT condone any form of harassment or death-threats, and if you actively participate in that just know that you're honestly pretty terrible of a person and I will probably block you.
4. I am not exactly a 'family friendly' kind of person, which is why I kindly ask that people below the age of 13 to please not try to seek me out on other social platforms. While yes, I was a lot like who I am now when I was younger, but that does not mean that I want young children to be introduced to the kinds of sensitive subjects I discuss on my other social medias. Also I use a handle usually along the lines of 'GloopyTeaz', so just look that up on different platforms if you still want to find me.
Hopefully this clears some things up, so thank you for reading and goodbye for now.