**I have a bunch of banners made by club members on my Holiday Banner blog I love them all I just can't use them all**
***Made by funfetti thank you so much***
I am an adult player. I joined Marapets on September 12, 2007, 9:36 pm
Here is a break down of my user name. Blue is my favorite color, Taz is my favorite character and 2001 is just a random number I used. My real name is Marylu. :D
Pudgeman is a dedication to my best friend's baby boy she had to let cross the rainbow bridge. RIP Pudgy...April 11, 2011 - August 19, 2024
-- NONE of my pets are up for trade/sale I worked really hard to get the pets I have especially Pudgyman
-- Friend requests/MM/MT are open I don't care if i know you or not if you need someone to be your friend I will be your friend.
-- I love to bake, sleep, shop, color and most of all animals, frogs, snowmen, beanie babies and dragons.
-- I'm not always here even if the online indicator says so.
-- Staff: I sometimes log in on my phone too
-- No club invites please I may not make my presence known but I love the club I am in THANK YOU!!
-- I earned everything on here and nothing is for sale/trade/loan unless otherwise discussed please don't ask or beg me for them I would really appreciate it.
-- Need to borrow one of my pets I am ok with that, but you will have to pay the fee that Marpet's has set to lend it no tip required...need a plate of a pet/minipet again ask and I shall let you borrow them.... return them as soon as you are done.
-- Need a photo of them and don't want to borrow it to make the picture just ask I may ask for a picture of your pet if I don't have it in exchange.
-- I am not staff *wish I was* so I can't really help you all that much but if you do have a question, I will try to point you in the right direction.
1. Have one of every LE pet
2. Get to level 75
3. collect everything blue, black and green and anything that has to do with leidos, renats, and Poera's and anything that has to do with Christmas :D
~~ I am hosting the ATM Advent calendar this year...I am super excited and nervous at the same time. I hope you have fun and a great holiday season this year.
Special Thanks:
~~ I want to thank Oubliette the host of the ornament game for a lot of these tasks.
~~ Thank you to Gwylynnsgarden for helping edit everything to make it fun for everyone and for allowing me to host such a fun event.
~~ The rules are very simple. Do the day's task and post here the same day it is completed. After you post, you will get the prize inside. (See the picture of the cute little Advent Calendar above.) You win a prize for each day you enter. Please post the day as well so I know what day it is for. Thank you.
For example Decemeber 17 Jester Level 17 - Jester Shield
December 1st
-- This one is going to be simple. Which of your Marapets is your favorite? Why is it your favorite? What species is it? What color/costume? Does their name have special meaning? Did you adopt your pet? Was your pet a gift? Does it have any collections? Do you train it? Tell me below all about your pet.
December 2nd
-- Santa loves delivering toys this time of year. Add any toy to your pet's collection. Post the name of your Marapet and the toy your pet played with.
-- Read a festive/Christmas book to your pet, have them watch a festive/Christmas DVD or listen to a festive/Christmas CD. This includes any new books, DVDs, or CDs released during Elfember. Post the name of the item (book, DVD or CD) and the pet who performed the task.
If you can't do that, then you can do 10 quests of your choice and then post the name of the quest and starting and ending numbers.
December 4th
-- Find a pet wearing an Advent, Angel, Blitzen, Christmas, Christmas Tree, Elf, Gingerbread, Ice, Polar, Seasonal, Snow, Snowman, Tundra or Winter Costume. Post the name of the owner and name of the pet below. Yes, you can post your own pet.
December 5th
-- What do you do to celebrate the Christmas holiday? Do you exchange gifts? Do you have a big dinner? What family traditions do you have? If you don't celebrate Christmas, what winter traditions do you have?
December 6th
-- Show off your doll in the most festive outfit you can imagine and post below.
~~ To post a picture of your current doll (it will stay that way and not change): type the word "DOLL" in caps with square brackets around it. Like this, except no spaces:
-- Send me a cheap Christmas plushie -- all will be donated to the club at the end of the day.
December 8th
-- Share a favorite Christmas or winter memory. Post below.
December 9th --
Visit Santa Claws 10 times you can do this, or you can pick your own quest to do 10 times and post here what you received as prizes
I am giving you the option to choose either one since it is that time of year where he is handing out New Year Tickets.
December 10th --
Complete 5 Secret Santa quests. Post here with your starting and ending number of quests. Be honest please.
December 11th
-- Complete a mission of your choice -- Post here with what mission you completed and what you received.
December 12th
-- Help the local businesses this season by buying an item from one of the Biala Mountain shops. Donate it to the club. Post on here when you are done and what you donated.
December 13th --
Krampus is getting impatient for Christmas. Visit him 3 times today. Post on this blog with your results.
December 14th--
-- Don't forget to show your pets Christmas love by feeding them a tasty bakery item and sing them a Christmas carol or wintery song while you feed them. Only 1 pet is necessary. Post here which pet you fed, what treat you gave them, and what carol/song you sang to them.
December 15th
-- Add a holiday/Christmas item to one of your collections. If you can't add an item under 500k because you are a master collector, you can play a game from Biala Mountain instead.
December 16th
-- Make your doll look like a candy cane...dress it up in all red and white. Post your doll here so we all can admire it.
~~ To post a picture of your current doll (it will stay that way and not change): type the word "DOLL" in caps with square brackets around it. Like this, except no spaces:
[ DOLL ]
December 17th
-- Play Newth racing
andfeed your pet a frozen food [img]https://i.imgur.com/zkEOZAO.gif[/img]. Post which frozen food you fed to your pet."
-- Visit the Christmas Tree today to try to win a cracker. Post with what you won or if you won anything. Either way if you do this you get what is behind door number 18
-- Sing 2 Christmas carols. Please post who you sang to and what you sang. You can sing to your Marapets or to anyone in real life.
December 20th
-- Put the ugliest sweater you own in your wardrobe on your doll.
~~ To post a picture of your current doll (it will stay that way and not change): type the word "DOLL" in caps with square brackets around it. Like this, except no spaces:
-- The poor Elf has been forgotten at the Pot of Gold this year. Visit the Pot of Gold 1 time today. I hope Elf is full of Christmas giving. Let me know on here what you got .
-- Dress your doll in silver and gold and name your outfit. Let us see what you can come up with.
~~ To post a picture of your current doll (it will stay that way and not change): type the word "DOLL" in caps with square brackets around it. Like this, except no spaces:
... show me your most festive hat you have and sing 3 Christmas carols. Post what songs/carols you sang to your pets. [img]https://i.imgur.com/z9ubZH0.jpeg[/img]
~~ To post a picture of your current doll (it will stay that way and not change): type the word "DOLL" in caps with square brackets around it. Like this, except no spaces:
Secret Santa needs a ton of help this Christmas Eve. Give him a hand by completing 20 quests. Post your starting and ending number.
12 months, 18 days & 21 hrs ago 24th Dec 2024 13:46
Tis' today is the last day of the Calendar tasks....it has been quite a journey for me. I appreciate every single one of you that has participated. It has warmed my heart seeing how you dress your dolls to learning how you celebrate the holidays. I want to wish those who celebrate Christmas a very Merry Christmas eve today. Those who do not Happy Holidays and may your day be bright and awesome Wide Grin. You open day 23 and you find a White Candy Cane and a Snowman Book @Cygnet@Gwylynnsgarden@coolwyngs@tazluvr@McCandles@DayRavenB@nicecat2
12 months, 18 days & 21 hrs ago 24th Dec 2024 13:43
Start: You have completed 1,574 Secret Santa quests
End: You have completed 1,594 Secret Santa quests
12 months, 19 days & 1 hr ago 24th Dec 2024 09:48
Dec 24
Start: You have completed 10,435 Secret Santa quests
End: You have completed 10,455 Secret Santa quests
12 months, 19 days & 1 hr ago 24th Dec 2024 09:17
December 24 end: You have completed 2,619 Secret Santa quests
12 months, 19 days & 4 hrs ago 24th Dec 2024 06:31
December 24 start: You have completed 2,598 Secret Santa quests
12 months, 19 days & 4 hrs ago 24th Dec 2024 06:23
December 24
Start: 7046
You have completed 7,066 Secret Santa quests
Hope Santa brings you everything you wish for that can be wrapped in Christmas paper.
12 months, 19 days & 6 hrs ago 24th Dec 2024 04:16
Sang Frosty the Snowman, Jingle Bells, and Silent Night to my pets. They enjoyed the carols Like
12 months, 19 days & 16 hrs ago 23rd Dec 2024 18:33
Dec 23: I sang Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, and Jingle Bells to my pets. They all squeaked and howled and whinnied along with me.
12 months, 19 days & 20 hrs ago 23rd Dec 2024 14:58
Dec 23 elf playlist, elf hits and Beyonce Christmas carols vol 2
12 months, 19 days & 20 hrs ago 23rd Dec 2024 14:15