song leebee147 and CathrenKeelie wrote

17 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
23rd Dec 2007 17:02v:I hate how all this ended
With us still all unmended
All our friendship drifts away
Since that horrable day
c:If i cant trust you
How can I love that too
You have too many ways
And im the one who pays
I hate the pain it brings
It really cuts and stings
v:we were best friends
Until it started to bend
We fell for eachother
What was I thinking to say yes
I was to afraid to think or guess
v:you walked down the halls with that snotty look waiting for someone to drop a book
so that you could laugh in their face
and they would wish they were in your place
V:You always sit and stare
because you wouldnt dare
To look me in the eye
So lets just end this as you watch me cry
V:im alone through the night
waiting till my true knight will save me
i wish i could trust you
but you still have a wave against you
what do you think this song is copywrited so no taking