16 years, 7 months & 24 days ago

28th Jul 2008 18:25
you can never have to little or too many marapoints keep this in mind people
16 years & 8 months ago

21st Jul 2008 23:09
todays my birthday the 28th and i found out i get to go to the hush sound concert!!!!!!! they are coming to tucson im SOSOSOSOSO excited!!!!!!!
hello everyone whats up? im good just hanging out talking to friends
FAVORITES and other things::::
fav song-everything by a cursive memory
check yes juliet by we the kings
fav actress-Amanda Bynes
fav actor-Steve Carrell,Jason Dolley
celeb crush-Jason Dolley, Devon werkheiser
fav food-friut salad
fav drink-orange juice
fav sport-dance,volleyball
fav band-we the kings,a cursive memory,jonas brothers,the hush sound and others
fav singer-taylor swift,carrie underwood,savannah outen
fav color-blue and purple
fav animal-DOG!!!!!
thing i collect-snow globes,beanie babies
fav book-i have a lot i love to read
thats all really
16 years, 9 months & 21 days ago

31st May 2008 07:42
Read this or you will be scarred for life...
*It's good to cry
*Chicken soup actually makes you feel better
*94% of boys would love it if you sent them flowers
*Only apply mascara to your top lashes
*It's actually true, boys DO insult you when they like you!
*89% of guys want YOU to make the 1st move
*Chocolate will make you feel better! (does that even need to be stated?)
*Most boys think it's cute when you say the wrong thing.
*Boys aren't worth your tears
*More boys than girls are going to look at this bulletin
*We ALL love surprises!!
*Now.... make a wish!
Wish REALLLLLLY hard!!!
** *
Your wish has just been received
Post this on your blog and your wish will be granted
song i wrote
17 years, 2 months & 30 days ago

23rd Dec 2007 17:06
my friends on here and who live in tuscon all love it and say its their fav of all of them so tell me what you think its called missing things in heaven::::
v:you missed my birthday i just turned 4 you know
you missed my dance preformance i worked all year on it
c:you miss so many things when youre in heaven the truth is i wish you were here but how could you be you were killed when i was three you miss so many things when youre in heaven
v:you missed meeting my boyfriend hes really mice youd like himyou missed my prom you missed taking pictures of me in my dress
v:you missed my wedding and the child i had i named her grace after your favorite name
oh you miss so many things when youre in heaven
tell me what you think lots of you had read my other one so tell me what you think about this one its called one too many times::::::
v:i see you through the fog and smoke from a fire that has just burned out the black thick clouds circling around me i see the true feelings you hide about friendship, love, and family
c:27 times should be enough but thats not fine for your parents or anyone else you try to hide but cant find a place or person you trust youve been beaten one too many times oh one too many times

opular girls should be perfect but you just dont get along with your family you try to hide the bruises with makeup and try to ignore the pain by having some fun
one too many times yeah one too one too, one too many times
song leebee147 and CathrenKeelie wrote
17 years, 2 months & 30 days ago

23rd Dec 2007 17:02
v:I hate how all this ended
With us still all unmended
All our friendship drifts away
Since that horrable day
c:If i cant trust you
How can I love that too
You have too many ways
And im the one who pays
I hate the pain it brings
It really cuts and stings
v:we were best friends
Until it started to bend
We fell for eachother
What was I thinking to say yes
I was to afraid to think or guess
v:you walked down the halls with that snotty look waiting for someone to drop a book
so that you could laugh in their face
and they would wish they were in your place
V:You always sit and stare
because you wouldnt dare
To look me in the eye
So lets just end this as you watch me cry
V:im alone through the night
waiting till my true knight will save me
i wish i could trust you
but you still have a wave against you
what do you think this song is copywrited so no taking