17 years & 17 days ago
1st Mar 2008 23:11OK: My pets:
LovelyPinkPony (Pink Gonk) - My princess. She shall never ever be for trade as she will always be with me. She is my first pet and therefore my most cherished and precious.
Her goals:
Max out on one instrument ( )
Statt 5 ( )
Statt 10 ( )
Statt 15 ( )
Get 20 instruments ( )
Get 10 CDs ( )
Get 15 books ( )
Get 5 DVDs ( )
Find a friend (X)
WorldsBestSmile (Ghost Bolimo) - This gorgeous Gal has a secret agenda, but the only clue is happy. I can't give this away till the 9th March. This pet is NEVER FOR TRADE while she's with me.
Goals for WorldsBestSmile:
Give to my special someone ( )
Give a few items ( )
Sakuenki (Icefairy Fasoro) - NEVER EVER for trade unless I get an offer of a ROFLING, (impossible). She is LovelyPinkPony's best friend, so don't even THINK about trying to trade for either!
Goals for Sakuenki:-
Statt 5 ( )
Statt 10 ( )
Max out on one instrument ( )
Give 10 books ( )
Give 5 DVDs ( )
Give 15 CDs ( )
Learn 20 instruments ( )
Sappiko (Fairy Fasoro) - This beautiful fasoro is the same as LovelyPinkPony and Sakuenki, NEVER EVER FOR TRADE. She is gorgeous for me, as she is a girly pet. I like her because of her mischevious attitude and cheekiness.
Goals for Sappiko :-
Statt 5 ( )
Statt 10 ( )
Give 5 books ( )
Give 5 DVDs ( )
Give 5 CDs ( )
Learn 5 instruments ( )