16 years & 21 days ago

25th Feb 2009 21:14
Pawani is not for trade. I was given her by a great player known as droobles. I owe her a lot and one day when I earn a bit more, i'll repay her =]
16 years & 22 days ago

25th Feb 2009 13:42
Just realised I forgot to say this lol.
Yarimani does not belong to me. Yarimai is Phici's sister and belongs to MasQueNada. I'm holding onto her until MasQueNada has space for her.
16 years, 11 months & 26 days ago

21st Mar 2008 00:46
Poera 450-500k
Daisy 500k
Phanty 500k - 550k
Huthiq 600k - 700k
Zoink 700k+
Kronk 750k+
Oglue 800k+
Dakota 2 - 3 mill
Quell 2.7 - 3.5 mil
Snookle 1.5 - 2.5
Lati 4-5 mil+
Chibs 4 - 6 mil
Yuni 6 mil+
Mordos 7 mil
Sindi 7 mil
Ercuw 7 mil+
Viotto 7-8 mil plain, gold, bronze, silver 8-9 mil, Ice 10 mil
Rofling 15mil+
5-20+ Phanty, Daisy, Poera, and Huthiq
25+ Kronk, Oglue, and Zoink
30+ Snookle
35+ Quell
40-50+ Lati
55+ to be worth Chibs
60+ to be worth Sindis, Ercuws and Mordos
95+ to be worth Yunis and Viottos
150+ to be worth a Roflings
17 years & 13 days ago

6th Mar 2008 00:41
I owe GoofyROX 250,000 mp.
17 years & 17 days ago

1st Mar 2008 23:11
OK: My pets:
LovelyPinkPony (Pink Gonk) - My princess. She shall never ever be for trade as she will always be with me. She is my first pet and therefore my most cherished and precious.
Her goals:
Max out on one instrument ( )
Statt 5 ( )
Statt 10 ( )
Statt 15 ( )
Get 20 instruments ( )
Get 10 CDs ( )
Get 15 books ( )
Get 5 DVDs ( )
Find a friend (X)
WorldsBestSmile (Ghost Bolimo) - This gorgeous Gal has a secret agenda, but the only clue is happy. I can't give this away till the 9th March. This pet is NEVER FOR TRADE while she's with me.
Goals for WorldsBestSmile:
Give to my special someone ( )
Give a few items ( )
Sakuenki (Icefairy Fasoro) - NEVER EVER for trade unless I get an offer of a ROFLING, (impossible). She is LovelyPinkPony's best friend, so don't even THINK about trying to trade for either!
Goals for Sakuenki:-
Statt 5 ( )
Statt 10 ( )
Max out on one instrument ( )
Give 10 books ( )
Give 5 DVDs ( )
Give 15 CDs ( )
Learn 20 instruments ( )
Sappiko (Fairy Fasoro) - This beautiful fasoro is the same as LovelyPinkPony and Sakuenki, NEVER EVER FOR TRADE. She is gorgeous for me, as she is a girly pet. I like her because of her mischevious attitude and cheekiness.
Goals for Sappiko :-
Statt 5 ( )
Statt 10 ( )
Give 5 books ( )
Give 5 DVDs ( )
Give 5 CDs ( )
Learn 5 instruments ( )