The Halloween Alien is back for 2024
The Enpiah Alien was trick or treating in Undying Woods last night for Maraween and was bitten. Until November 6th, he will Auction random items from his Prize List for only 1MP
Fake Halloween Costume is a new prize for 2024. You can only win one of his auctions every
24 hours
Happy Vlad Day
All Vlad pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today
All Vlad pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today
All Vlad pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today
The Vlad can now wear the Alien, Armoured, Candy, Cartoon, Dark, Gnome, Ice Fairy, Mad Scientist, Mafia, Sleepy and Sponge Costumes
T R I C K O R T R E A T ?Our
Maraween Character Trick or Treat has just started. It will end automatically on November 5th. To take part in Character Trick or Treat, all you need to do is dress your character up in an approved
Halloween Character Costume. Then you can visit the profile of any player that is currently online, hit the Trick or Treat button and receive a prize every time! You can only Trick or Treat each person once per day and you will receive MP or an item. The new
Fake Insideout Costume and
Ball of Insideout Yarn items are from this event only and will come back each year. All of these item prizes will retire at the end of this event too!

Remember, there are
retired Trick or Treat Costumes on sale at the
Account Upgrade Shop until 1st November. You can also win the Vintage Halloween Snowman Costume or Halloween Snowman Costume from the
Halloween Snowman. The
Character Costumes that will work for this event are as follows:
Beelzebub Costume, Vintage Witch Costume, Vintage Devil Costume, Vintage Pumpkin Costume, Pumpkin Costume, Dracula Costume, Black Skeleton Costume, Vintage Werewolf Costume, Lycanthrope Costume, Corpse Costume, Deceased Costume, Vintage Halloween Snowman Costume, Halloween Snowman Costume, Nefarious Fairy Costume, Nefarious Cloak Costume, Mutated Costume, Speechless Ghost Costume, Evil Ghost Costume, Grim Reaper Costume, Graveyard Keeper Costume, Supergirl Costume, Criminal Costume, Gremlin Costume, Sinner Costume, Teenage Sorcerer Costume, Teenage Witch Costume, Superboy Costume, Zombie Fairy Costume, Ghost Captain Costume, Ghost Pirate Costume, Mr Skeleton Costume, Mrs Skeleton Costume, Undead Bride Costume, Undead Groom Costume, Bloody Barber Costume, Loose Mummy Costume, Tight Mummy Costume, Red Death Costume, Black Death Costume, Frankenstein Bride Costume, Frankenstein Costume, Nurse Costume, Doctor Costume, School Uniform Costume, Headless Horseman Costume, Teenage Vampire Costume, Vampire Girl Costume, Onryo Costume, Death March Costume, Killer Sindi Costume
Happy Nino Day
All Nino pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today
All Nino pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today
All Nino pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today
The Nino can now wear the Armoured, Bug, Candy, Dalmatian, Ghost, Mafia, Monster, Robot and Sponge Costumes
The 2024 Pumpkin Hunt event has started
Our annual
Pumpkin Hunt event is now running until November 1st. As you browse and play the site as normal, check out every page for a Pumpkin in a box. When you find it, click it and you may get an item or MP prize. The are 22 new gourmet
Pumpkins and 24 new item prizes you can win and they will all
retire at the end of the event. If you're really lucky, you may also win a
Cursed Costume or Fake Cursed Costume each time you find a pumpkin. The more pumpkins you find, the more prizes you will win!
At the end of the event, 250 different players who collect the most pumpkins will receive
1,500,000MP and a limited edition
Ravage Trading Card. The next 250 will just get a
Ravage Trading Card and
100,000MP 10 random players who will collect 100 pumpkins or more will win £10 AU, 15 will receive £5 AU and 20 players will receive £2 Account Upgrade CreditsRemember that any player caught adding fake pumpkins to their profile, signatures, clubs or anywhere else on the site will have their account
banned for the rest of Halloween and be fined for doing so.
Phantom Four Extra Gore is back for MaraweenPlay any game Phantom Four against Jasper, the unfriendly ghost between now and November 1st and you will win a random prize from the Prize List that includes a new Ghost Rag Doll and Fake Ghost Costume
Win any game against Jasper you will also win a Bloody Spell or if you're really lucky, a Blood item!
A new Monster Account Upgrade Set has been releasedThis set is on sale until
November 5th and has 8
new Monster themed items,
Monster Costume, a
Ball of Monster Yarn and either a Monster Enchanted Plushie or Monster Potion. You can choose if you would like the main prize to be a Monster Enchanted Plushie or Potion. There is a
1 in 3 chance you will receive a restricted
Vlad instead of Doyle, Flab, Grint, Ideus, Kaala, Kidlet, Osafo, Speiro, Walee or Zetlian
Monster pets will receive
FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym and
FREE LESSONS at the School and University until November 1st
The Emotional Support Rock, Eylian, Flea, Future, Ian, Pyri, Spidly and Toff can now wear the
Ball of Monster Yarn
The Snowman has taken Halloween a little too seriously AGAIN this year! He is now only asking for Halloween Treats from now until November 1st. Complete his quest and you'll win MP or one of these new prizes!
A loud Maraween cackle shook the Undying Woods today. Whatever or whoever it was is unknown but we now have a Cursed Clock TowerVisit the
Clock Tower between now and November 1st to gain
DOUBLE STATS until November 9th
The Dakota, Flab, Kaala, Mordo, Murfin and Willa can now wear the
Halloween Costume
This means that all 78 species of pet can now wear this costume!
Costume Boutique has this costume on sale for
Maraween today and tomorrow only!
The Pot of Gold has been magically transformed into the Pumpkin of GoldFrom now until November 1st, all players can visit the
Pumpkin of Gold for FREE once every
hour As part of his court appointed community service,
Beelzebub will organise the donations here. You are guaranteed to win an item prize from each visit. Prizes include random items from the
Pumpkin of Gold Prize List and the
Beelzebub Prize List You may also win a random prize from the items that have been donated to
Beelzebub earlier this year.
Beelzebub will also do his Annual Prize Drop later this
For a very limited time only, the retired Haunted Treasure Chest from 2016 and Halloween Treasure Chest from 2015 are back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop

The Maraween Terrified Time Machine promotion is backUse the Time Machine between now and
October 31st and you can choose between the current prize list (that changes automatically every Saturday) or a special
Maraween Prize List. Select the Maraween prize list to win one of 183
retired halloween themed items
Congratulations to the winners of the Decadal Trap Event
The Evil Clowns were hiding at Account Upgrades Shop, Alien Fairy, Aquarium, Artist, Birthday Party, Blitzen's Grotto, Capsule Machine, Car Parts, Christmas Tree, Cleaning Products, Cooking Ingredients, DVDs, Double Education, Dukka Coins, Dukka Dash, Extract Enpiah, Fake Costumes, Fake Dukka Coins, Ferris Wheel, Fortune Teller, Genie, Goals, Goals, Goals, Gold Mine, Guillotine, Hostage, Ice Cream, Illegal Concoctions, Jester, Knutt Knight, Laboratory, Lush Fountain, Lush Tombola, Mahjong, Merman, Miss Marada, Olympics, Open Graves, Pages, Pancake Pile, Pet Colours, Photo Parlour, Pie Throw, Pipe Dream, Rune Rescue, School Supplies, Sewer Pipes, Slingshot Snookle, Space Fairy, Spices, Swindler, Traps, Undying Minipets, Waffle Wobble, Wigs and Worm Digging
Bexu won
Space Fairy Decadal Potion,
maddycake won
Armoured Decadal Potion,
kidgame2001 won
Toy Decadal Potion,
Bewitch won
Digital Decadal Potion,
HatboxGhost won
Dalmatian Decadal Potion,
Riluri won
Sparkle Decadal Potion,
doeactive won
Desert Decadal Potion,
sumin9358 won
Pirate Decadal Potion,
Vicious won
Royal Decadal Potion,
Elisee won
Steampunk Decadal Potion,
crisscrossy won
Tornado Decadal Potion,
Gardenia won
Rainbow Decadal Potion,
Frank won
Toddler Decadal Potion,
FairyLilac won
Vampire Decadal Potion and
elleykitty won
Candy Decadal Potion
£20 Account Upgrade Credits was won by
KreatorKaty and
ErynAmrodPlayers who left traps at the correct locations won the bonus prizes
We have SO MUCH happening from now until October 31st
Our annual events include Character Trick or Treat, Free Training, Terrified Time Machine, Pumpkin Hunt, the Halloween Snowman, Ghostly Graves, Halloween Alien, the Pumpkin of Gold, Pancake Pandemonium, Cursed Clock Tower, limited edition
Account Upgrade items, Elger's Trick or Treat, Phantom Four Extra Gore, Beelzebub and much more!
Are you ready? A certain
Halloween devil has been seen lurking around the site again. We all know how much
Beelzebub loves
Halloween. As usual
Beelzebub has all sorts of Halloween goodies to give away to members who are getting into the Halloween spirit and have a halloween-themed character or profile.
You dont have to have a Halloween costume for your character, just use your imagination and dress your character in some appropriate clothes and makeup to make yourself look appropriately spooky - just be creative!
Although this is mostly a forums-based event, there will also be prizes rewarded randomly to members who are online and have something spooky about their profile, so you may still win something even if you dont have forum access.
For a very limited time only, the Account Upgrades Shop has all of the old retired AU Trick or Treat Costumes on sale You will receive a random costume and this offer will all automatically
end October 31st. The costumes avaliable are listed below.

Black Skeleton Costume, Vintage Werewolf Costume, Lycanthrope Costume, Nefarious Fairy Costume, Nefarious Cloak Costume, Speechless Ghost Costume, Evil Ghost Costume, Grim Reaper Costume, Graveyard Keeper Costume, Supergirl Costume, Criminal Costume, Gremlin Costume, Sinner Costume, Teenage Sorcerer Costume, Teenage Witch Costume, Superboy Costume, Zombie Fairy Costume, Mr Skeleton Costume, Mrs Skeleton Costume, Undead Groom Costume, Bloody Barber Costume, Loose Mummy Costume, Tight Mummy Costume, Red Death Costume, Black Death Costume, Nurse Costume, Doctor Costume, School Uniform Costume, Headless Horseman Costume, Teenage Vampire Costume, Vampire Girl Costume, Onryo Costume, Death March Costume, Killer Sindi Costume, Beelzebub Costume, Vintage Witch Costume, Vintage Devil Costume, Vintage Pumpkin Costume, Pumpkin Costume, Dracula Costume, Undead Bride Costume, Mutated Costume, Mutant and Skeleton Skin
The Costumes Boutique has the Poison Costume on sale today until midnight
There are currently 28 pets that can wear the
Poison Costume
Happy Kujo Day
All Kujo pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today
All Kujo pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today
All Kujo pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today
The Kujo can now wear the Alien, Armoured, Bug, Candy, Mafia, Mermaid, Skeleton, Space Fairy and Sponge Costumes
Happy Ushunda Day
All Ushunda pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today
All Ushunda pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today
All Ushunda pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today
The Ushunda can now wear the Armoured, Dalmatian, Dark, Hobo, Invisible, Island, Mad Scientist, Mafia, Origami, Space Fairy, Splatter, Sponge, Spring and Villain Costumes
There are 28 new Ushunda Potions and Enchanted Plushies to win from Sewer Struggle
Happy Kidlet Day
All Kidlet pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today
All Kidlet pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today
All Kidlet pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today
The Kidlet can now wear the Armoured, Chocolate, Gnome, Mafia, Moonlight, Native, Sponge and Underwater Costumes
Happy Huthiq Day
All Huthiq pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today
All Huthiq pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today
All Huthiq pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today
The Huthiq can now wear the Armoured, Doll, Mafia, School, Splatter, Sponge, Stone Age and Villain Costumes
There are 39 new Huthiq Potions and Enchanted Plushies to win from Ublish's Lair missions
After a couple of days of rain, it's slowly stopping and the sun has come through, creating a beautiful
Rainbow. What happens when there is a Rainbow? Well...

Rainbow Pets will receive FREE training at the
Gym and
Elite Gym and FREE lessons at the
School and
Whenever there is a rainbow in Marada, the
Operations Portal,
Vortex Park Reservoir and
Foxfire Pond are
guaranteed to change your pet's colour, species or both!
Account Upgrades Shop has a
2 for 1 promotion on all
DNA items.

With all the beautiful colours in the sky,
Drew doesn't need any more colour! He will only ask for the colour white, which is default for every player. This means you can complete his quests without the Glowing Egg collection requirement.
Play a game of
Colours during the rainbow and even if you lose a game, you will still be a winner! Win, draw or lose this game and you'll get
2,500MP and a random colour
Transformation for one of your pets.
Your pet will change to a random colour and/or species and then change back, possibly earning a new transformation for its collection. If you have the Pet Stats Giftbox in your collection, you can also select which pet will receive this transformation before you play!The
Leprechaun is busy chasing the rainbow. You'll have to wait until this rainbow leaves to complete his quests.
Whenever the rainbow appears, the retired
Rainbow Treasure Chest is back on sale at the
Account Upgrades Shop. It will automatically
retire again when the rainbow leaves Marada.

Contact Lenses,
Eye Make Up,
Face Make Up,
Fake Costumes and
Hair Dye Shops all have a
2 for 1 special on all items.
Complete a
Farming quest and if you win a
Ball of Yarn you will receive 2.
And finally, if your minipet can change colour, it will change colour when it rides the
Fasoro Falls.
A new 'Medieval Prison' Experience has been released. Can you find it?
Happy Lorius Day
All Lorius pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today
All Lorius pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today
All Lorius pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today
The Lorius can now wear the Armoured, Candy, Mafia, Origami, Pirate, Space, Space Fairy and Sponge Costumes
There are 29 new Lorius Potions and Enchanted Plushies to win from Greedy Gertrude missions
It's started to
Rain in Marada and the smog has cleared
The trap event has ended now and the winners will be announced next week
As always, whenever there is
Rain in Marada the following happens:
The rain has brought with it stronger winds, causing the
Windmill to spin faster and generate more electricity. You will be
guaranteed to gain a stat for your pet from it and all electricity bills will be FREE at the
Power Station.
Completing a level on any
Mission during this rain and you'll win a random
Umbrella for your Wardrobe.

DVDs and
Video Game Shops all have a
2 for 1 special on all items to help you keep your pets entertained inside while it rains.
The rain has made the
Lake in Lush Lake flood. For your own safety, you cannot currently visit.
Lush Lake flooded from the rain, the
Contact Lenses,
Hair Dye,
Lipsticks and
Olympic Shops are all closed.
With the miserable rainy weather outside, pets are concentrating better at School, the Gym, Elite Gym and University and earning
Double Stats.
Pets are all working harder at their jobs as it rains outside. This means there is
TRIPLE the chance of receiving a
Job Promotion random event and
DOUBLE the chance of the promotion actually being given by your pet's boss!
While you wait for the bad weather to pass, why not play our
Classic Games? Complete a
Jigsaw Puzzle while it's raining and you are guaranteed to win a
Bonus Prize which now includes one of 18 Jigsaw Puzzle toys! All games with a
Daily Raffle will have double winners for each prize! For example, the Solitaire raffle now has two winners of
£5 Account Upgrade Credits and four winners of
£2 Account Upgrade Credits

This rain has the residents of Marada doing a lot more indoor activities, like
Shopping. But it also is a chance for
Shopkeepers like you to increase your shop sales and the amount of items you have on sale! Upgrading your
Shop Size is currently
Half Price!
And finally, Queen Eleka will be giving out extra
FREE Loyalty Raffle Tickets for players who fill up and price their own
Shops. While she won't reveal her secret formula, the more new items you add and price in your Shop, the more extra tickets she will give out!
The Costumes Boutique has the Rainy Costume on sale
There are currently 16 pets that can wear the Rainy Costume The Rainy Costume automatically stocks here whenever there is a
Rain weather event and stays on sale until the weather changes. If another Account Upgrades Costume was due to stock here on a specific day during this weather event, it will stock instead for that day only and return to the
Rainy Costume the following day.
The Ercuw, Eyru, Hump, Phanty, Zoink and Zoosh can now wear the
Toddler CostumeThe
Gourmet Minipets from the
Foxfire Pond have been updated
The Costumes Boutique has the Leprechaun Costume on sale today until midnight
There are currently 18 pets that can wear the
Leprechaun Costume
Happy Reese Day
All Reese pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today
All Reese pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today
All Reese pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today
The Reese can now wear the Armoured, Dalmatian, Daylight, Doll, Gnome, Invisible and Space Fairy Costumes
Happy Stamptember 16th
Use the Time Machine between now and
September 23rd, 2024 and you can choose between the current prize list (that changes automatically every Saturday) or a special
STAMPS ONLY Prize List. Select the Stamps Prize List to win one of 152
retired Stamps
Players who have collected all 30
Minipet Island page of their
Stamp Collection can visit it and win 10 new item prizes, a medal for their profile and 25,000MP
Players who have collected all 30
Marapets 2 page of their
Stamp Collection can visit it and win 10 new item prizes, a medal for their profile and 25,000MP
There are also 13 new Ike Potions and Enchanted Ike Plushies you can win if you complete the Hector the Collector mission in
There are 30 new
Stamps now on sale
The Stamptember 16th Stamp is on sale until September 23rd, 2024 and then it will retire until Stamptember 16th next year
As the Yeti family continue to
Mine Marada of its oil, the ants of the Gigantic Paradise Ant Hill are being forced closer to the surface. It's no secret that a huge society of ants live in under Marada but until today, very little has been known about it...
Seven of these ants have been caught at the
Ant Hill domesticated as Bug Minipets
There are also twenty new
High Score Rewards to be won. You will win one of these each and every time you reach a certain score - with prizes from a score as low as 300 up until those who manage to score 5,700 or more!
The new
High Score Rewards for
Hostage includes six new
Hostage Ransom items. These are books that will also be needed for the new
Labyrinth feature being released next month!
Happy Feliz Day
All Feliz pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today
All Feliz pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today
All Feliz pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today
The Feliz can now wear the Autumn, Bug, Desert, Earth Fairy, Moonlight, School and Sponge Costumes