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Timaeus has been a fixture on my profile for literally YEARS. I think I got him in my first or second year on mara. I traded a royal chibs and lightfairy lati for him. Normally I would not care about mermaid ercuws but this one is special. This pet holds fond memories of my childhood friend Dean. Timaeus is the name of one of the legendary dragons during the Waking the Dragons arc in Yugi-oh. There were three dragons , Timaeus Critias, and Hermos. Dean and I loved Yugi-oh and Timaeus just happened Dean's favorite dragon of the trio. At the time we also used to be obsessed to death with legos, in particular lego horses. Dean named his first white lego horse Timaeus and I had my own black lego horse that I named Critias. When were in Elementary school we used to play with these horses for hours and come up with new adventures and plots to keep us busy. In our roleplay, Timaeus and Critias were in love and married and had many adventures in the Imaginary world, the world in which Timaeus ruled. Timaeus and Critias were capable of trasforming into their dragon-counterparts. (Dragons and Horses were our favorites animals hence the connection ;)) And the cutest thing is that my persona was in Critias and my friend's persona was in Timaeus. And we didn't realize we were practically implying that we had feelings for each other. But we always in denial in those days. *wipes a tear* So Timaeus holds fond memories of the friendship between me and my friend Dean.

Hidoriko the Mermaid Ercuw
16 years, 3 months & 23 days OldBorn 18th Nov 2008 01:54

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