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20:29:59 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Pets: If they are not in trades, they are not for trade (unless I offer). Sorry!
I don't bite if you try, but just a warning i'd most likely say no.

Mara-Mail/Alerts: I try to respond to all mails/alerts as fast as possible.
If I don't, then I am likely away from my laptop/phone, or have just logged off.
I never purposely ignore anyone (:.

Thanks! Pets not in the pet trades are not for trade. I am very attached to many of them,
including my pairs/names. Sorry!

Feel free to maramail me about anything else. I try to be very polite (: I don't bite!
If I don't reply to any maratalks, it's mostly likely because I am using my phone :3.

Graduated nursing school 08/20/20 <3

Marapets goal: Finishing my pairs :)
Levi the Pirate Rofling
14 years, 4 months & 8 days OldBorn 4th Nov 2010 05:51
