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22:15:32 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
yhTatiU.png Art by Pipperton!!! ♡

Hi! You can call me meatbun. I like to train my pets and work on collections.
I am happy in my club (I am focused on club swaps) but thank you for considering me.

usernames: meatbun, meatfart


MM/MT: open, but prefer mm
Friends: sure! send me a chat

To do list.

[x] train Cerulean to 1,000 stats
[ ] train Cerulean to 1,500 stats
[ ] complete simerian explorer map

Hilari the Silver Decadal
9 years, 11 months & 26 days OldBorn 16th Mar 2015 13:03