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Sir Campanula was created on 9/25/2018 for I love the ocean in all its beauty as well as plants. Campanula means Octopus plant flower or Bell flower.Campanula is a soft pink, octopus-like flower, with long and elegant spidery petals. I know what your thinking(he is not pink but he is a plant Octopus with a lovely pink flower. He will be put in my Aquarium along with sassy and other sea creatures as his pets. Yes he will be spoiled with many exquisite delicacies for his delicate Palate.

Complete meaning

Bellflower 'Pink Octopus', 'Pink Octopus' Bellflower. A very unusual Bellflower, Campanula 'Pink Octopus' is a semi-evergreen, spreading perennial noted for its nodding, Japanese lantern buds opening in a striking, soft pink, octopus-like flower, with long and elegant spidery petals.
SirCampanula the Skater Newth
6 years, 5 months & 17 days OldBorn 25th Sep 2018 19:34
