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Osafo_chibi.gifgraphics-arrows.pngOsafo_swamp.png medium.JPG?1410481878
Collybia is destined to become a Swamp Osafo! They're named after the commonly named mushroom Violet Collybia (Gymnopus iocephalus), as the mushrooms growing off of the Swamp Osafo resemble them!
Collybia the Gold Osafo
1 year, 7 months & 27 days OldBorn 1st Jul 2023 19:07

Collybia is destined to become a Swamp Osafo! They're named after the commonly named mushroom Violet Collybia (Gymnopus iocephalus), as the mushrooms growing off of the Swamp Osafo resemble them!