Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly

On Vacation
You have adopted the Marapet Chronophobic the lilac Feliz from the Maradan Pound for 344,550MP.
It had the following minipets equipped:
Orange Sniffles
Black Sheepbow
Purple Tri
Green Sphinx
Yellow Osabri
Black Unlucky
Blue Azubi
Pink USB
Grey Yhing
Orange Klik
And the following items equipped:
Ice Wand
Ice Wand
Alien Blaster
Alien Blaster
6th Apr 2019 08:26
School (345)
Art 28
Language 29
Geography 33
History 36
Maths 36
Music 35
Science 54
Sports 94
University (91)
Business Studies 10
Computer Science 9
Environmental 7
Humanities 15
Law 11
Molecular Science 11
Politics 16
Sociology 12
Level 9 Athlete earning 1,000MP a day
Health 257 / 257
Level 137
Charisma 352
Magic 795
Strength 250
Defence 238
Speed 268
Stamina 189
Coordination 216
Balance 189
Chronophobic has read 1,677 Books
Chronophobic has watched 210 DVDs
Chronophobic has listened to 225 CDs
Chronophobic has practiced a total of 390 Musical
Chronophobic has eaten 4,504 Gourmet Foods
Chronophobic has played with 3,069 items
Chronophobic has had 807 Transformations
Chronophobic knows 25 Spells