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Marapets is mobile friendly

On Vacation
Emariss is an old warrior, retired from his duties and battles due to a complicated and serious injury. He is bitter and grumpy from his unhappiness in his new war-free life, longing to go on epic (And often very dangerous) adventures and to fight and kill again. Nowadays, he feels as bored and useless as a waterproof towel. He is rather forgetful (Especially when it comes to names), but don't assume that makes him stupid. Say something like that to his face, and your mouth will be stitched shut. He doesn't take disrespect. But go a bit deeper, and you might just find a broken heart underneath all the coldness and snarkiness.
Don't approach his left side, either. He'll attack you no matter how old you may be or how weak, as it's his blind eye. He may not have magic (Or at least, that's what he claims), but he knows how to fight and won't hesitate to use every ounce of his strength. He particularly has a thing against demons... He hates them with all he is.
Of course, that being said, why not call him a demon hunter? He's far from just a civilian. He knows all there is to about demons and will kill any he sees if he has the desire. Other than that, he's just a grumpy, old dragon. But please don't tell him I said that, or he'd beat me to jelly!
"Don't give me fake kindness, I'll give you true cruelty. Don't give me disrespect, I'll straighten you out."