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16:31:40 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Need any help with Mara? Feel free to mail me anytime!

Hi there! Here is some info about me!
Name: Aimee
Marapets birthday: September 15, 2005
Real Birthday: September 18 (I am an Adult)
Maramail: Open
Marapals: Closed due to lending the Baby Avatar

Please feel Free to MM me at anytime! If it is IMP0RTANT, I will always reply! If it is chatspeak or nonsense I will ignore and block!

Don't ask for my pets, items, or mp! I've worked very hard to get to where I am, and so should you! Ask and you will be blocked!

It is far more satisfying to earn your items than to gain them through dishonesty!

Note to staff, I may log in from multiple locations. Also, my family plays on Marapets (although not much anymore). We may send gifts on occasion. Thanks for understanding!

Narmolanya the Prison Chibs
17 years, 9 months & 9 days OldBorn 2nd Jun 2007 21:45

7 Years Old
7 Years Old
1 Day Old
Level 4 Thief earning 425MP a day

Job Promotion earning 475MP a day
Level 12  Strength 25  Speed 50  Charisma 5  Sports 5  CDs 5  DVDs 9  Magic 15  Spells 1 

Dice of Doom