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16:50:34 MST
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Hi! Feel free to friend and stalk me all you want today. Have a nice day. I'm just well, how do you call it? The "want to be kind" gal who likes to be kind by donating my weekly allowance dollars to just be kind. So don't bash me for doing a weekly sub >___<

For now, I'm just fulfilling some sort of nfts just to feel fulfilled. idk why, but yes, I was brought to marapets from a website ad.

I tend get nervous for some reason, so I just needed a gaming website to donate my dollars, since I guess I feel too entitled? Idk.
BordyDialga the Party Speiro
4 years & 26 days OldBorn 14th Feb 2021 21:27

3 Years 5 Months Old
2 Years 4 Months Old
10 Months 28 Days Old
10 Months 28 Days Old
Level 6 Police Officer earning 500MP a day

Premium Shield
Party Bomb
Golem Shield
Medieval Labrys
Medieval Sword
Dukka Labrys
Staff of the Desert
Gladiator Shield
Baspinar Shield
Wooden Shield