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Soon my Pretty.... FeverDream was specifically created to become a Halloween Sindi. I named him in honour of one of my all-time favourite movies, Donnie Darko. I wanted to name him Franky, or even Gyllenhaal, but of course they were taken.

I wish I could have had a real relatable name, or even a single RW name, but FeverDream is still pretty awesome.

My quest for a Halloween Costume was tedious and way too expensive, but since I am so impatient, I decided to overpay around 5 million in items, only to have the costume sit in my gallery for almost a month awaiting a Halloween Event.

I am very excited.

Birthday: September 21, 2021
Re-Birthday: October 08, 2021
FeverDream the Halloween Sindi
3 years, 5 months & 20 days OldBorn 20th Sep 2021 18:09

Experiment 667
2 Years 6 Months Old
7 Months 15 Days Old
Grey Bingo
7 Months 15 Days Old
Prison Rock
7 Months 15 Days Old
7 Months 15 Days Old
Winter Elf
7 Months 15 Days Old
7 Months 13 Days Old
Sewers Grimmus
1 Year 2 Months Old
Level 2 Mechanic earning 160MP a day

Job Promotion earning 210MP a day
Level 6  Strength 12  Charisma 3  Maths 6  Science 7  CDs 3