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Marapets is mobile friendly

You have rescued the Marapet Khalliope the zombie Doyle from the Graveyard.
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I am saved !!! I can hardly believe it. Mythenmetz found me and accepted me into their big, colourful, noisy family. And she made me a gobble to match my name.

Here is my story:
I am named after Kalliópeia, the beautiful voice. She is one of the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. She is the muse of epic poetry, science, philosophy, and string playing, as well as the muse of epic and elegy. With Apollo she has the sons Orpheus and Linos. She is the oldest and wisest of the nine classical muses and was therefore the judge in the dispute between Aphrodite and Persephone over Adonis.

So famous... and I'm not like her at all, because my voice doesn't match it at all...
I was born Beige Knutt, after that I became a Galaxy Flab. maybe my owner at the time thought that my voice would go with it... but unfortunately they decided to make a Lilac Doyle out of me and then they were tired of me. and I came to the Graveyard... Zombie Doyle - I was so unlucky... ready to die. Only my little mini Ivor really wanted to believe in a miracle and kept saying: "You'll see beautifully, you'll see...." To comfort us I sang a little...
My new mom Mythenmetz heard me. She said there's a little gobble singing... can you believe that? She gave me a gobble potion to drink... It's amazing - I feel great. I was locked in a wrong body the whole time.
And here I am... in the midst of my new family, next to Mr._Memory, he's also a Gobble. He says he has never heard such a beautiful voice sing. Everyone sits around me and listens to me, rejoices and sings, hums and growls with me. I'm so happy and Ivor whispers in my ear: Sometimes miracles happen... I think he's right!!
Khalliope the Dark Gobble
2 years, 6 months & 10 days OldBorn 2nd Sep 2022 08:35

7 Months 23 Days Old
2 Years 4 Months Old
4 Months 16 Days Old