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19:12:34 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Hi hi ~
I'm a F2P player that got to know marapets during the covid pandemic which I realize it was far too late xD
Anyways I'm a big fan of collecting plushies in here.

Maratalk for some reason doesn't work on my phone, but emails do so feel free to ask me anything or just hit me up for a random chat

I also play neopets and I'm a lender there, so you can dm me if you are interested. I'd love to help ♡

Currently LTB
• Common cold pet

Lifetime goal that's probably not gonna happen: complete enchanted plushie machine map
headertry.png ☆ Treat rats kindly. They are very sweet and smart creatures that only attack when scared or threatened.

☆ Friend requests are more than welcome
Mziza the Firework Newth
2 years & 22 days OldBorn 9th Mar 2023 09:11

Red Limited
1 Year 2 Months Old
Plushie Flobberbat
1 Year 11 Months Old
Yellow Pyri
1 Year 10 Months Old
2 Years Old
2 Years Old