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XgBqSpm.png Check out my pet's profiles. They are a work in progress, but all will eventually include stories and a custom drawn pet header created by myself.


Augh is my Gourmet Pet
Wiki is my Book and Play Collections Pet
FM is my CD and DVD Pet
Magiu is my Magazine and Newspaper pet
Xu is my Battle and Musical Instruments pet.

If you need to battle these or any of my other pets, I'm happy to lend, but most of my pets have stats so they can be somewhat expensive.
Audalania the Anime Willa
17 years, 5 months & 15 days OldBorn 14th Oct 2007 16:26

Plushie Clovite
2 Years 5 Months Old
Level 5 Spy earning 575MP a day

Job Promotion earning 650MP a day
Strength 30  Defence 30  Speed 30  Health 15  Charisma 15  Language 25  Geography 30  Maths 1  Sports 20  Books 12  Balance 5  Magic 30  Spells 4  Stamina 5  Coordination 5  Computer Science 3  Law 2