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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
I was minding my own business one day, playing Mahjong, when I pushed the wrong button and suddenly found myself being commanded by the voices of the internet gods to cobble together some kind of weird mutant animal thing to be my pet.

Thus was born Nimbol.

It was a responsibility I did not want and I was a bit dubious as to whether I wanted anything to do with this so-called Mara-community. But then Nimbol punched a few other pets, threatened my neighbors and set fire to a Christmas tree and I figured I'd better stick around - for everyone's safety...

Nimbol - my 1st, favored and strongest pet. Gets all stats and boosts. Very rarely changes species and if I do change, its going to be into another type of Ideus. Except oops! Accidentally a Crikey through Whirlpool
Nimbol the Pink Crikey
16 years, 6 months & 7 days OldBorn 4th Sep 2008 17:25

Plushie Demi
6 Years 9 Months Old
Orange Anubis
9 Years 5 Months Old
Moonlight Agatha
9 Years 5 Months Old
Yellow Hammy
1 Year 5 Months Old
Pirate Baxter
1 Year 11 Months Old
Bootleg Fumb
1 Year 11 Months Old
Orange Dracone
2 Years 4 Months Old
Black Vladeus
3 Years 3 Months Old
Orange Fello
1 Year 5 Months Old
Pink Iggy
9 Months 20 Days Old
Level 17 Teacher earning 12,000MP a day

Job Promotion earning 13,000MP a day
Health 160  Charisma 90  Art 90  Language 180  History 180  Geography 180  Maths 180  Music 90  Science 180  Sports 65  CDs 65  DVDs 65  Books 100  Instruments 160  Stamina 130  Environmental Studies 43  Humanities 43  Computer Science 43  Sociology 43  Molecular Science 43 

Ublish Shield
Moonlight Health Ball
Staff of Simeria
Staff of Simeria
Daylight Health Ball