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13:50:37 MST
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seeking cuter-costumed pets![ex. fat, mini, baby+]

maratalk/maramail welcomed :)

Friends - Sure!

Maramail - Sure!

Maratalk - Sure!

Clubs - Please don't invite me to your club.

Pets - Some are for trade!
Derru the Minipet Tasi
16 years & 24 days OldBorn 10th Feb 2009 11:52

3 Years 8 Months Old
Level 1 Astronaut earning 350MP a day

Job Promotion earning 400MP a day
Level 2  Strength 2  Speed 2  Health 10  Charisma 10  Geography 2  Maths 2  Science 2  Sports 20  CDs 2  DVDs 4  Books 2  Magic 20  Spells 2 

Circus Shield
Plume Helmet
Cheese Shield
Dark Heart Shield
Staff of Kirin
Staff of the Wizard
Staff of the Forest Fairy