We knew Thaden was coming to the house as Lovebot asked daily if the "little cowboy" had turned up. Lovebot was the one who referred him to our home so that he could "escape that pitiful little farm". While harsh, he wasn't wrong. Thaden showed up, hat nervously in his hands, asking for a place within the home. Thaden is hard working, honest, and a stickler for the rules. He likes to get things done on time and always puts his best effort into his work. He's a kind-hearted soul who would like to never have to fight but is always prepared to stand up for his own values. He tries his best to keep Lovebot in line but usually fails miserably.
Thaden comes from a small farm that he, along with his two elder brothers, inherited from his parents. They worked to keep it running but when times got tough they began to have to sell equipment and land just to make enough money. The town around them was growing up and modernizing but the farm wasn't able to keep up. It was a failing project. Thaden didn't want to give up on it. He loved the farm and put everything he could towards making it work but his elder siblings knew it was too late. When Lovebot's invitation for him to leave came, Thaden was reluctant but his elder siblings wouldn't let him turn it down.
Thaden likes to do hands-on jobs and work the land. He has no affinity for technology and owns no cellphone as it ends up broken and forgotten. He's a bit uncomfortable with children and has a slight gambling problem. He's also extremely uncomfortable with his own romantic preferences and has a huge crush on his best friend but refuses to admit it. H??e?? ??h??a??s?? ??h??a??d?? ??a?? ??h??u??g??e?? ??c??r??u??s??h?? ??o??n?? ??L??o??v??e??b??o??t?? ??f??o??r?? ??y??e??a??r??s??.??