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13:43:57 MST
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hello! if you need help feel free to send me a mail and i'll do my best to answer your question : )

check out my marasite for some help guides and useful links subparman- sept 16th

"awwww you're just a loser jammu. plain and simple"
"scuse me!!! not my fault hes beyond help"

"itd be nice if you were banned jambutt"
"I regret alot of things. Like adding jambutt on skype"
"the only thing you have more of is denture cream"
"your personality is about as exciting as a pop quiz"

23rd nov
Vathe the Hairy Tasi
15 years & 29 days OldBorn 12th Feb 2010 17:07

Black Damaged
12 Years Old
5 Years 10 Months Old
Staff of the Undying Fairy
Staff of the Undying Fairy