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Go ahead, you can say it. I know I'm cute!


Agamid is my sixteenth pet. Since the Gizmo is a lizard I named my pet Agamid. An agamid is a lizard of the family Agamidae, and includes more than 300 species in Africa, Asia, Australia, and a few in Southern Europe. Many species are commonly called dragons or dragon lizards.

Agamid was created solely for the purpose of completing Level 30 of the Puchalla Village Goals - using a Puchalla Costume on one of your pets. I am hoping that a nicer dressing up costume comes out to change him into.

And today April 5, 2017 the new Bootleg Costume was released and for sale for 250 Dukka Coin in the Pirate Ship. Perfect new costume for Agamid!

Until I needed him to change costumes yet again. I used a Recycled Costume on him to pass level 36 of the City Goals. With the new updated recycled costume I'm liking him a lot!

When the Sleepy Costume was released for the Gizmo I had to change Agamid. Love this costume.
Agamid the Sleepy Gizmo
14 years, 4 months & 23 days OldBorn 19th Oct 2010 17:00

7 Years 8 Months Old
Yellow Chameleon
6 Years 10 Months Old
13 Years 1 Month Old
11 Years 11 Months Old
11 Years 11 Months Old
8 Years 12 Months Old
8 Years 12 Months Old
3 Years Old
Level 20 Entrepreneur earning 14,350MP a day