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315 Players Online
00:55:15 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Please make all trade offers on the trade, not mail. YOU ARE NOT HELPING YOURSELF BY MAILING ME.
Not looking for items other than creepy pet costumes, Extra pet gift boxes, treasure chests, AU (1:1.8), missing retired glowing eggs and time/capsule machine tokens. If offering items, over offers only (and only items previously mentioned that I'm looking for).
All further "Anything in my shop/trades/gallery" will be ignored- I don't have time for that.

Not trading pets unless in trades. Mainly looking at names.

I'm not always here even if the online indicator says so.

Staff: I sometimes log in on my phone too. My husband, 0rochimaru, also logs in from this IP. F/30/Married/USA
Been playing since 2006
Sepiroth the Halloween Raulf
8 years, 9 months & 13 days OldBorn 29th May 2016 22:16

Green Nodio
4 Years Old
3 Years 7 Months Old
Purple Doomed
2 Years 7 Months Old
2 Years 11 Months Old
Level 10 Entrepreneur earning 625MP a day