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Gifted with Love from a friend on 12.12.2024

you KNOW who you are!..♥♥

with the following stats:

238 / 238 Health
197 Level
67 Magic
345 Strength
365 Defence
340 Speed
426 Balance
426 Coordination
425 Stamina
214 Charisma

12 Business Studies
13 Computer Science
13 Environmental
13 Humanities
16 Law
12 Molecular Science
15 Politics
11 Sociology

50 Art
57 Geography
56 History
111 Language
49 Maths
30 Music
50 Science
54 Sports

54 Books
1 CDs
0 DVDs
7 Gourmet Food
0 Instruments
7 Magazines
3 Newspapers
0 Spells
5 Toys
17 Transformations

Celebrex the Armoured Figaro
8 years, 6 months & 28 days OldBorn 6th Aug 2016 12:44

Level 11 Politician earning 2,000MP a day

Job Promotion earning 4,000MP a day
Health 60  Charisma 120  Language 120  History 60  Geography 60  Books 60  Stamina 70  Sociology 9  Law 20  Politics 20