AddyBaddy was once an orphan. He had no royal blood in him...but once upon a time, the old king of their kingdom adopted him. The poor king had no child of his own. After his late queen died at childbirth, he no longer wished to wed another woman to be his queen. He vowed to stay loyal until the end...
When the king was very old, he was worried about the welfare of his kingdom and so he decided to adpot a child at the orphanage because,
"Who else can better understand the suffering of his people than a kid who was abandoned and who had nothing", he said.
He chose AddyBaddy because although he had nothing, the little boy offered him his only piece of bread when the king arrived at the orphanage. The littlle boy thought that the old king must be hungry from his travels and so, with a warm smile on his little face, he gave the old king his bread. At that moment, the king knew that this little boy would be the one to lead his kingdom and his people.