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Hi! My name is Brittany.
Nicknames: Kita or Silver aka Silvanius since I roleplay the Dark Lords apprentice on a Star Wars creative writing site.
My Main Marapet is xXBluestar20Xx
♡Personality Type: ENFJ-T♡
♡Birthday: August 24♡
♡Occupation: Caregiver♡
I am a Adult Player. And i am NOT interested in dating anyone.
♡~I collect minipets.~♡
♡Don't be shy. MT or MM me if wanting to bulk buy or trade with me. ^_^♡
♡Kell/Warv- RIP Big Bro. I love you and miss you. 7/4/74 - 5/18/22 ♡

2842852c0927a8a6703b52997656d3866c44f9f1.jpg Hobbies: Drawing, Dancing, Writing Stories, Nintendo Games, Animating, Watching T.V., Playing Piano (Natural talent of mine. I play by Ear)

Personality: Serious, clumsy, stubborn, bossy sometimes, daydreamer, outgoing but also reserved. Depends on my mood. Quiet except when I'm excited. Then I'm super chatty and will talk your ear off. Srry about that. ^_^'
Clete the Tiger Newth
6 years, 8 months & 7 days OldBorn 5th Jul 2018 01:25

Level 1 Veterinarian earning 85MP a day

Job Promotion earning 135MP a day
Strength 5  Defence 2  Speed 2  Charisma 2  Language 2  Geography 2  Maths 3  Science 5  Sports 1  Books 4 

Dark Cupid Bow
Staff of the Wardrobe Fairy
Staff of the Fire Fairy