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Marapets is mobile friendly
"Ze doktor eez in." Doktor Drakon Dualcrest, PhD, MD, MBA, Esq. is, as to be expected from his many suffixes, a jack of all trades. The Esquire suffix is no joke; the Doktor was also a Lawyer AND a knight's apprentice! After being university-bound for decades, however, Dualcrest went insane.

Now at least somewhat sane, Doktor Dualcrest spends the majority of his time researching cures to pretty much everything. Though his treatments sound somewhat questionable, the vast majority of them have had at the very least minor success.

How can you cure Marapox by having the patient listen to the instrumental version of All Star by Smash Mouth on loop nonstop for 16 hours, 54 minutes, and 45 seconds? MAD SCIENCE!
Drakon_Dualcrest the Mad Scientist Yakubi
5 years, 7 months & 29 days OldBorn 14th Jul 2019 00:10

5 Years 8 Months Old
5 Years 8 Months Old
5 Years 4 Months Old
5 Years 1 Month Old
Level 5 Doctor earning 600MP a day

Job Promotion earning 675MP a day
Level 9  Defence 30  Health 20  Charisma 7  Language 30  Maths 30  Science 60  CDs 12  DVDs 6  Books 30  Stamina 10  Coordination 5  Environmental Studies 1  Humanities 1  Computer Science 1  Molecular Science 1 

Giant Mallet
Wave Sword
Magician Shield
Griffin Claw
Glass Sword