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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
A cowardly pet who loves sweets... Tricks-and-Treats used to belong to Beelzebub, who didn't feed him very often. Now that he has a pampering owner, Tricks eats any sweets he can find, and has become a bit of a gourmet! Tricks-and-Treats is afraid of the dark and spooky things, but he loves Maraween (free treats? what could go wrong!) So you'll often see him out trick-or-treating, but ready to hide behind his owner at any moment!

It is his dream to become a world-famous chef with a five-star restaurant, and on the side, he practices Olympic sports to work off the extra calories.
TricksandTreats the Halloween Phanty
5 years, 6 months & 10 days OldBorn 1st Sep 2019 07:34

Pumpkin Dead
4 Years 8 Months Old
5 Years 4 Months Old
5 Years 4 Months Old
Sir Quackers
7 Months 23 Days Old
7 Months 24 Days Old
Level 5 Chef earning 235MP a day