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Usually staggers back to Marapets after a few months of absence, and then leaving wondering why on earth did I forget everything about it.
Thank you to:
iger/Koob for completing one of my goals. :)
EasterBunny of course
chicken5alad(onda) for being my friend
LunaM1604 for constantly helping me
Nonchalant for so kindly giving me Hannon<3
Pet Trades: up to discussion?
Also, I'm sorry if i didn't recognize you in forums. I've taken a long break and came back not too long ago, so sorry if i forgot something i shouldn't have haha
(also, I login from different devices because they're the most convenient atm/simply the closest to me)
(and sometimes i stay over at my cousin's)
"With great power comes great opportunity to annoy." -Aru Shah, my all-time fav quote
More Aru Shah quotes:
"Great, because nothing says come at me, demon like a pigeon sidekick."
"Honestly, it's so bad it's almost great."
"Could be worse? Could've just been, nice try, you're gonna die."
If you're still here:
...hi :)
(also!!! current outfit color scheme inspired by!!! xavier from LaDs!! ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• ) )