TSC- Day Six
14 years & 17 days ago

25th Feb 2011 12:29
So I'm trying to make an effort to get on Mara less, lol. It's difficult, but I'm not doing too bad. I didn't get on at all last night because I was making more Carrot Ginger Cupcakes, and I went straight to bed after that. I got up early today so my bf's dad could teach me how to make his biscuits. They are really excellent, and I'm looking forward to making them myself!
The Saving Challenge.
I've actually made quite a bit of MP since yesterday, but my shop is so empty. I only have one page of items in there right now. I'm working hard right now to RS a bit and fill it up!
Nothing much to say, besides the fact that I'm still enjoying RSing the Gourmet Food.
One reason why the Gourmet Food craze stinks- I was on level 20 on Bumpkin, but now I am too terrified of doing another level. I'm worried I'll get some Gourmet Food that is worth 343089248 mill because it's Retired and everyone's looking for Gourmet Food. So yeah that stinks. I'm on Level 25 of Blitzen(waiting until after TSC), now I'm on Level 20 of Bumpkin, and I'm starting another Mission.
Which should I start working on?Bank- 10,820,653MP
As of yesterday, I have made
820k MP.
TSC- Day Five
14 years & 18 days ago

24th Feb 2011 08:30
I'm basically in love with RSing right now. I don't even have to try too hard, and I'm kind of making bank. Last night at 3 AM(I was writing a paper lol, I am not routinely up at that time) I RSed a bit, and emptied my Shop Till of around 200k.
Today when I went in and checked it,
I had already make 376k. Like, that's not even a full night's sleep.
Thank you, Obese Fairy. I am not sure how long this will last, maybe only a couple days, but even so, it's been great.
Bank- 10,000,653MP
I HIT TEN MILLION. I think I've hit that once before, but it's exciting because due to this challenge, I want to try to keep my minimum bank balance at 10 mill from now on.
Since yesterday, I made
1mill MP.
Since I started this Challenge, on
February 20th, I've made
4,300,000 MP.
TSC- Day Two
14 years & 22 days ago

21st Feb 2011 07:50
The Saving Challenge[/center]
Haven't had much temptation, as I spent most of my night last night making ginger carrot cupcakes. =D
But I still have been making money!
Bank- 7,555,653MP
That means that since yesterday, I've made
700k MP.