My Story - The Present of Christmas Kindness
12 years, 2 months & 24 days ago

18th Dec 2012 09:52
The characters:
Celyn ??? Blitzen Chibs (reindeer)
Precieux ??? gold viotto (reindeer)
reluctant ??? ice viotto (reindeer)
Tealynn ??? hobo chibs (poor, no santa) Male
Zarya ??? Seasonal chibs (Santa)
Talyia ??? sparkle quell (good, kulle???s sister)
The Present of Christmas Kindness
It is the dawn of Christmas Eve. All is hectic in the North Pole, except for one very quiet, very reserved chibs who is seeking quiet in the reindeer viotto barn. It is Celyn, the shy and nervous Blitzen Chibs who is usually just the list checker for santa Zarya. However, this year Celyn has a new job ??? the main sleigh puller. Unfortunately Daislii came down with viotto flu last week and is unable to pull the sleigh and so Celyn has been voted as her replacement. Although Celyn feels honoured, she is nervous. In order to distract herself, she returns to Zarya???s office to check through the naughty and nice lists one last time. As they go through the ???nice??? list, they come across Talyia???s list, the little sparkle Quell from London. This year, her letter to Santa Zarya had a very unusual request. She has asked that all her Christmas presents go to her new friend Tealynn instead, the hobo chibs who lives on Regent Street. Zaryan and Celyn decide to investigate this further when they arrive in London tonight.
On her way home from school one day, Talyia decided to take a trip up Regent Street to buy a special Christmas for her mum. At the bottom of the statue, she sees a hobo chibs. She had been cautioned never to approach strangers, but there was something about this chibs??? eyes that showed sadness. Talyia decided to try and speak to him. ???Good afternoon sir??? Said Talyia cautiously, ???How are you during this fine festive season????. She took a step back as she waited for a response. The hobo chibs looked up and the look changed in his eyes from that of sadness to curiosity. ???Hello young Quell. Why I am very well thank-you, and how are you??? and with that he let out a crooked, but gentle smile. Talyia studied the chibs, he had torn clothes, bent whiskers, a very blue nose and a deep cut on his paw. Before she took a minute to think, she found herself asking ???But why sir do you say that you are very well when you have ripped clothes and you look cold????. The hobo chibs smiled ???because my dear, you are the first person to have asked me that question in the last 8 years and your kidness is enough for me to not care about what state I am. I may look cold, but you have warmed my heart by talking to me today???. They both smiled. The two continued to have a lovely conversation, and as Talyia left, she couldn???t help but think about the hobo chibs who she had learned is called Tealynn. Every day Talyia visited Tealynn after school. They shared stories and sometimes some hot chocolate. As the days ended and Talyia was at home in her nice, big and warm bed, she often thought about Tealynn. She decided that this year, she would include him in her letter to Santa Zarya. She had no need for presents, she had enough, but what she wanted more than anything was for Tealynn to be happy and to have a wonderful Christmas.; And so she requested that all her presents went to him.
Back at north pole headquarters, Santa Zarya and Celyn contemplated the importance of Talyia???s request and therefore made arrangements to stop at London first. They packed up the sleigh and prepped the viotto reindeer. Reluctant and Precieux were as good as gold as usual and helped support Celyn with her new role as sleigh puller. Celyn soon realised that she had been nervous about nothing and that, in fact, her fear had been totally replaced with pure excitement!
They set of in no time, heading straight for London. It was 2am and Regent Street was empty. 100% empty. Tealynn was nowhere to be seen. Santa Zarya, Celyn, Precieux and Reluctant searched up and down the street but could not find him anywhere. They began to worry. It was Santa Zarya???s policy that everyone on the ???nice??? list would get their wishes fulfilled. They just had to find Tealynn. From Regent Street, they headed towards Talyia???s home.
There outside in the snow, they found Tealynn, curled up beneath a street light. As they approached, Tealynn stirred and awoke, and as soon as he saw Zarya, he pulled himself up straight and shook the snow off his hat. ???Uh, uh, umm, hello Santa. Merry Christmas, my name is Tealynn???, he said, stuttering. Santa Zarya looked at him and studied his face carefully before saying ???Seasons Greetings to you also Tealynn. We know exactly who you are. In fact, we have been looking for you. What brings you here instead of your usual place on Regent Street????. It soon unravelled that Talyia had been having nightmares. Tealynn offered to sleep outside her home to make her feel safer and more secure so that she could sleep well during the night before Christmas.
As the conversation continued, the curtains in Talyia???s room started to flicker and open. She watched the meeting and was amazed to see Santa Zarya. She was so excited, she could not stop herself from going downstairs and spying on them. She enterted the conversation just as Zarya was offering Tealynn the presents. To Talyia???s surprise, Tealynn was refusing them. And then he said to santa Zarya with a smile ???You see Santa, I have no use for any of these. My new friendship with Talyia had been the best present anyone could have ever wished for. I may not have a proper coat, but her kindness warms me every day. I may have bent whiskers, but her warmth straightens out the creases in my life. I may have a cut on her paw, but her caring nature is enough to help my wounds heal. She should keep her presents???. Santa Zarya was shocked and didn???t know what to say. At that moment, Talyia ran and hugged Tealynn, and Zarya could see the special friendship that had blossomed.
With that, Zarya glanced at her watch ???Oh my goodness! We are running out of Christmas time! We don???t know what to do with all these presents!???. Then Talyia and Tealynn looked at each other and laughed. ???We know exactly what we could do with them, if you wouldn???t mind Santa Zarya. We would like them to go to the homeless shelter where we know they will all be appreciated and loved???. Santa Zarya chuckled and with that, they all went together and delivered the presents to the shelter. Afterwards, Celyn led the sleigh back to Talyia???s home and dropped off Taylia and Tealynn. ???Thank you??? said Zarya, ???for reminding us of the greater good in life. And be good???. And with a wink, Zarya flew off, pulled by Celyn, Reluctant and Precieux and delivered the rest of the presents.
Christmas was delivered within the next 5 hours. Back at the north pole, Santa Zarya decided to discuss their experience with her elves and the other viotto reindeer. They were proud that, for once, somebody unfortunate had been able to see the most valuable gift of all and was therefore grateful for all that they had. ???You see, it doesn???t matter how hard a life you have had, how much money you have, how many clothes you have, how old you are, where you are from or what gender you are. For each and everyone in this world, the greatest gift of all is Friendship. As without friendship, material gifts are boring and pointless. And the value of friendship is the most prized possession and creator of happiness???. And the whole of the north pole let out a massive cheer, that for a split second, could be heard all over the world and woke up excited children on Christmas morning!