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  1. ??? My Costume Collection! ??? Help please?
    7th Aug 2014 11:16
    10 years, 7 months & 5 days ago
  2. On my way to Rome!!
    9th Apr 2014 03:57
    10 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
  3. Good use of a Sunday???
    2nd Mar 2014 13:20
    11 years & 11 days ago
  4. Helllooooo Mara Artists!!
    23rd Jan 2014 16:48
    11 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
    20th Dec 2013 16:32
    11 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  6. Ismaralda's Random Con Journey!
    9th Dec 2013 10:46
    11 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  7. ??? My Love Costume Challenge! ???
    21st Nov 2013 16:24
    11 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
  8. MELISSA!!!! <3
    7th Nov 2013 10:45
    11 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  9. WOW - Congratulations! You managed to pick up a En
    29th Oct 2013 15:52
    11 years, 4 months & 13 days ago
  10. ??? Babian's Temple Journey ???
    21st Oct 2013 10:32
    11 years, 4 months & 21 days ago
????????? My App + Beautifol / Lyndan's Story! ?????????
11 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
9th Jul 2013 10:43



Hello Hun! I hope you are well. As you know I???ve been holding out for this giveaway and have been mega excited. For that reason, I???m going to state right now that the darling baby vixie will NEVER BE FOR TRADE. Also as you know, she would mean an awful lot to me. I will never ever change her costume either ??? that would be silly. All graphics in this app were made by me. So with that in mind, I hope you will enjoy my app for a cute bambino that would stay with me forever. You may be reading things about me and my goals that I know you are already aware of, but I thought I???d add them in just incase you fogot Smile Have fun reading! Maybe grab a bag of Cashew Nuts and enjoy!


About me

??? My name is Holly.
??? I???ve been playing for almost 8 years.
??? I???m now an adult player.
??? I have never been banned or quit.
??? I love pink.
??? I???ve been married for 11 months.
??? My gallery contains lots of pink items, some clothes and costumes, and lots of mags / newspapers from Aug 2012 to represent when I got married.
??? All my mara goals are set around my pets.
??? I teach French and German.
??? I adore my job and working with children.
??? I have 2 gorgeous kitties called Precious and Belle, they are our babies.
??? I love football and cheerleading.
??? I love chocolate.
??? I sing and dance a lot around my house.
??? I have a slight obsession with candles and cushions.
??? My husband and I are trying for a baby.


Why do I want Lyndan?

Lyndan???s whole meaning to me is a result of her incredible costume. But also the fact that she is female. My dream pet is to make Babian a baby mordo, and it was important to me that he was my only male baby pet. Therefore, when I adopted Dahrling and Darlue, I made sure they were female and that they would sit next to each other. Baby pets mean the absolute world to me on Mara right now as my husband and I are currently trying for our first baby as we have now been married for a very happy 11 months Smile As you know, it???s important to me that I have pets to represent new chapters in my life. This is why my baby pets are so precious to me, and why Lyndan would mean a lot to me. For me, she is far from just a pretty pixel. She is meaning. And in 10 years once baby is born and growing up, she would represent a memory, a very important one. She would never leave my profile. Ever.

A sub-reason of why I???m applying for Lyndan is her name. I???ve mentioned this to you before, but this year I have taught a boy called Lindon. He has been very difficult and not popular with the teachers. However I was put as his registration tutor and although at first I was apprehensive, I am now really glad I did. I managed to establish a good, positive relationship with Lindon and guided him into a career path that was right for him, and he has shown much more motivation. I feel like I made a small change to his life.


My plans for Lyndan

Now of course ???my??? Lindon is a boy. For that reason, I would change Lyndan???s name to something more babyish / feminine and transfer the name ???Lyndan??? onto one of my other pets. This fits into my plans for the gorgeous baby vixie because I would want her to either sit next to Dahrling and Darlue, or I would want her next to Babian for when he eventually becomes a baby mordo. Having said that, I also have the perfect name to represent getting pregnant (if I ever do :/ ) and so that is also an option for her.
Other plans for Lyndan:
??? Never changer her costume.
??? Keep her forever.
??? Get her a Buzzy minipet because when I was little, my teddy was called "Buzzie".
??? Give her birthday presents each year and keep them in my gallery.
??? Stat her a little each year to help her grow up big and strong.
??? Educate her with books and at school so that she can one day go to university.
??? Get her a job as a teacher eventually.
??? Love her.
??? Adore her.
??? Value and appreciate her.


How Lyndan fits in with my mara goals:

So you already know that my Mara goals are all about my pets and they relate to my real life. So I made Matrimonial in honour of my marriage after I had just got married and worked really hard on turning her into a valentine Figaro as a representation.

??? Promises represents the promises and vows that my husband and I made to each other.
??? Fazed represents the love-struck / fazed feeling I still get every time I see my husband.
??? Fidelma represents the promise of fidelity that my husband and I made to each other.
??? Inspiration has become a representation my granddad and how, in the middle of fighting cancer, he remains strong and happy and that inspires me.
??? Precieux French for ???Precious??? represents my cat Precious and the fact that I???m a French teacher.
??? Educators represents my role as a teacher.

Lyndan fits into my pet goals because as my husband and I have decided to share our love and expand our family with a baby, the symobolism of baby pets on mara have become special to me. However I do not like all baby pets; just the Mordo, Vixen, Willa, Chibs, Sybri and Kujo. Babian will be a baby Mordo, Dahrling is my baby Willa, Darlue is my baby Chibs and Finlia is half way through the temple to be turned baby. So all I will need then is a baby vixen and a baby Sybri and my baby dream pets will be complete. My collection would mean an awful lot to me.


Lyndan's Story:

Lyndan opened her eyes. She was in a new place. This place wasn???t dark or quiet like before. It was bright. She could hear lots of strange noises. She realised she was laying on something soft. She was looking up at the ceiling. She saw the long white lights. These were new to her. She tried to move, but struggled to find her balance. Then she tried to stand up and just fell over onto her side. As she looked sideways she saw a yellow door quite far away. She was looking through what seemed to be a clear plastic wall. She realised she was in a cot. Then all of a sudden, a little head popped up and 2 huge blue eyes stared at her. She examined the face and as she glanced at the big pink ears, the face smiled a huge smile. Lyndan couldn???t help herself and before she knew it, she had smiled back. Then another set of eyes popped up next to the first face! These were black and this face had a little red nose. This face smiled at her too. And within a few seconds, all 3 faces were smiling at each other.

Suddenly, she felt herself lift up. She turned her head and looked up. There she met the gaze of 2 more friendly and happy faces ??? a man and a woman. The woman was holding her closely in a cradle. Lyndan kicked as she got comfy in the woman???s arms and as she did so, the man giggled at her. She looked at them with a confused face. Then the man spoke ???She is perfect. So adorable??? he said. Lyndan had heard this voice before and immediately felt safe. ???Our precious new baby Lyndan??? said the woman with a smile, and Lyndan immediately felt love. With those words, she knew she had just seen her mummy and daddy for the first time. And that the other 2 faces must have been her sisters! She smiled, closed her little eyes and then fell swiftly asleep in her mummy???s arms. She knew she had a long, happy and loved life ahead of her, one she got to share with these lovely people!


My Graphics of Lyndan



My Special Graphic

I desperately wanted to do something that I hadn't done in an app before. I have written stories and poems and I have made graphics and videos, and they just didn't feel special enough this time. So instead, I decided to create a special graphic to show and tell of my emotions towards Lyndan as a part of my baby collection. The words indicate the feelings a baby would bring to our lives. I've never done this before and it took much longer than a video or poem, so I hope you like it. And I hope you understand my concept.



My Unique Touch:

I decided to try something extra unique. I love making cushions and using buttons, so I created an image of Lyndan out of buttons. Hope you like it! Smile


I also thought i'd try something even more unique. I'm not good with make-up etc but I thought I'd try to be creative. I used various shades of eye shadow on my face to create this image of Lyndan. I hope you like it!



Lubbzy, thank you so much for such a meaningful opportunity. It takes such a genuinely kind and generous person to hold such a magical giveaway. You have been to lovely to all of us applying and have made this such an exciting experience for us. I have made friends through this giveaway, and that's so nice. You have an incredibly kind nature and I thank you for that.

It has been a pleasure to enter this giveaway and I wish you such luck on choosing the best new home for darling Lyndan. I know for a fact that if I was lucky enough to win, I wouldn't even enter anymore giveaways. If I won, I certainly wouldn't enter anymore pet giveaways because I would just be so grateful for Lyndan. And I know that's a big decision, especially as I have written quite a few apps in the past, but it's true.

All the best always,








What Lyndan was like when I received her: (14th July 2013)


Time for the name change!: (15th July 2013)


11 years, 8 months & 12 days ago
29th Jun 2013 11:04

I have recently blocked a fair few people. This is because I don't need any more unnecessary drama or nastiness in my life. Life is too short to spend time arguing with some people I don't know and when it comes down to it, don't care about.

So I may have blocked you. So what. It's probably for the best. It just means you've upset or angered me in the past. So don't be surprised if I ignore your forum posts to me either. My life is a struggle at the moment and doing what's best for me is my priority. Those I've blocked are not a priority.

And again, thank you to the wonderfully kind people who have been there for me. I'm overwhelmed with how people on mara can really help me stay strong in my real life. Will be glad when this weekend is over.

Please unblock me!
11 years, 8 months & 20 days ago
22nd Jun 2013 04:40

This is a message for . Everybody else, please ignore.

Please unblock me. I want to offer on your plushie in trades. I know we don't get on and we have had issues, but please unblock me just so that I can bid on your trade.


Gorgeous Birthday Gifts! <3
11 years, 8 months & 29 days ago
12th Jun 2013 10:08

[center]Wonderful gifts from wonderful people!

From Smellinor

Raspberry Lollypop
Pink Pen
Giant Pink Tulip
Pink Rose
Glowing Pink Egg
Strawberry Muffin
Pink Healing Potion
There's Something About Doyles
Pink Candycane
Enchanted Pink Gonk Plushie
Shaved Chibs Plushie
Love Fasoro Plushie
Pink Hair Dye
Salmon Hair Dye
Neptune #9
Plastic Heart Arrows
Phanty Notepad
Love Songs
Baby Songs
Love Hurts
Pink Troit Plushie
Pink Speiro Plushie
Neon Pink Hair Dye
Bubblegum Pink Lipstick
Neon Pink Lipstick
Beautiful Candy Heart
Love Tuxedo

hehe thanks so much Ellie, they are going to look fab in my gallery! Pink makes me happy! Smile THANK YOU! Adore

From MrPeaboddis:
Shaved Costume
Fairy Pearl
Princess Pearl
Princess Costume
Love Bolimo Potion
Love Tantua Potion
Easter Pearl
Rapunzel Potato
Heart Balloons
Thank you VERY much hun for my pretty pink things, making my gallery look even more PINK! Wide Grin

From DrKay
Misteltoe Male costume
Wonderful, thanks so much darling!

From Spontaneous
Glowing Birthday Egg
Thanks so much hun, this is very sweet of you!

Beanzy100000 has sent you the pet Opticol
Hehe thanks so much Ben, she is next to Matrimonial and it looks like she is shooting her with her love arrow and making her all loved up lol. SOOO CUTE!!!

From Ltb0000
Queen of hearts dress
Aww Moiz Adore This made me so happy, I cant believe it. Thanks so much for such a wonderful and beautiful item, I love it!

From BobnCat
Jester stamp
Clown contact lenses
Jester Pearl
Jester Male Costume
Jester female costume
Jester plushie
Female Celebrity #58
Princess costume
Shaved costume
Love crystal x 10
Ball of pink yarn
Bubblegum pink lipstick
Rapunzel wand
Bonus Clothing #73
Love diamond x 25
Bonus Clothing #49
Bonus Clothing #37
Princess booster
Ush easter egg
Long pink balloon
Hun, your generosity never fails to shock me, from birthday gifts like this, to the lovely kindness you show me and friendship. Thank you SO much, they have all gone into my gallery! I LOVE my pink bits hehe Adore

From MizzMaggotz
Starry contact lenses
Wow, thanks so much hun <3 I adore these ??? They???re going into the clothing part of my gallery!

From Stargirly
Orange Heart Macaroon
Thanks SO much sweetie, an item almost as sweet as you! It???s fab, thanks so much Laura, it???s gone straight into my gallery! Might start a macaroon collection! Smile

From Aries49945
Love Vixen Photo
I adore this item! Love vixens are so cute, you know I love them and am considering making Soulmate one, and of course this photo is PINK! hehe looks good in my gallery, thanks SO much!!

  1. ??? My Costume Collection! ??? Help please?
    7th Aug 2014 11:16
    10 years, 7 months & 5 days ago
  2. On my way to Rome!!
    9th Apr 2014 03:57
    10 years, 11 months & 3 days ago
  3. Good use of a Sunday???
    2nd Mar 2014 13:20
    11 years & 11 days ago
  4. Helllooooo Mara Artists!!
    23rd Jan 2014 16:48
    11 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
    20th Dec 2013 16:32
    11 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  6. Ismaralda's Random Con Journey!
    9th Dec 2013 10:46
    11 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  7. ??? My Love Costume Challenge! ???
    21st Nov 2013 16:24
    11 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
  8. MELISSA!!!! <3
    7th Nov 2013 10:45
    11 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  9. WOW - Congratulations! You managed to pick up a En
    29th Oct 2013 15:52
    11 years, 4 months & 13 days ago
  10. ??? Babian's Temple Journey ???
    21st Oct 2013 10:32
    11 years, 4 months & 21 days ago