11 years, 7 months & 13 days ago

30th Jul 2013 01:49
Yes, I am giving away ??10 AU!
I am so grateful for the warmth people have been showing me throughout the last 2 days that I want to "give something back" to mara's community. This warmth hasn't only come from my friends, but people I've barely spoken to and even strangers have messaged me with such kind messages. So I'm hoping to pass on that kindness. And I think we all need some uplifting on mara!
?????EVERYONE is welcome to enter! No grudges held.??
(if I've blocked you but you want to enter, but can't post on my blog, please ask a friend to mail me and I will unblock you).
??? You must post your apps on this blog
??? Please post on my topic before you app.
??? You can apply for the whole ??10 AU or just some of it, that's your choice. If you apply for some and I like your app, then I will also pick someone else for the rest of it.??
??? Tell me a bit about you.
??? Tell me why you want the AU and what you will do with it.??
??? Keep the board boosted so others can see it.
??? Giveaway ends Saturday evening (3rd August). I'm in the UK.??
??? PLEASE be creative!
??? Include the word "pink" in there somewhere.
Anymore questions please mail me or post here.??
Hope you all enjoy applying

All the best,