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Marapets is mobile friendly
About Xeri: Name is AJ, Published author, 51 years of age (Adult ... I think :D) Parent.

NOTE: My Marasite is operational but always being worked on.
Please respect that I am not always online *even if it says I am*
I SWAP photos, plates, and other items others may have duplicates of.
PLEASE check my trades to see all I have for grabs.
All items are straight MP/RP/BP or Au's unless otherwise stated as I don't need items.
LOW ball offers/offers where I already have the item or more than one offer on the same item(s) are sometimes rejected.


Yes this is me. ;)
  1. 1.5 Billion
    21st Jan 2025 15:13
    1 month, 23 days & 6 hrs ago
  2. 1 billion!!
    31st Aug 2024 18:31
    6 months, 13 days & 4 hrs ago
  3. HUGE double or nothing win!!!
    20th Dec 2023 18:08
    1 year, 2 months & 26 days ago
  4. June 1st monthly check list winner Xs 2!!!
    1st Jun 2023 18:50
    1 year, 9 months & 14 days ago
  5. New Year starts with a win!
    1st Jan 2023 08:05
    2 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  6. On a winning roll!
    10th Dec 2022 15:09
    2 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  7. STILL Stunned that I won this! OMG!
    9th Dec 2022 05:43
    2 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  8. 3 cards to go!
    10th Oct 2022 19:17
    2 years, 5 months & 5 days ago
  9. 100 scratch cards and my wins
    9th Oct 2022 18:38
    2 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
  10. HOW... in the world?
    9th Oct 2022 07:01
    2 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
17 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
13th Oct 2007 19:26

Well my new part time job is with one of my friends who runs a cool cleaning business, she cleans the homes of the rich yet not so famous here in our local areas (Sackville, Halifax, Dartmouth, bedford, ect...) Some of the houses are freaking AMAZING, one place took 4 of us 6 hours to do and it had a FOUTAIN in the front door and it was HUGE!!!
this ladys kitchen was a big as a WHOLE 2 bedroom apartment!
Dar says she's got plenty of business and I'm glad she hired me, it's not permante and she knows I won't be staying biggrin.gif but she offered me something part time till I get what I am looking for biggrin.gif hell at 8 bucks an hour I WON'T knock it biggrin.gif
I don't mind cleaning hell I go to work clean 12 hours a day and then what do I do, come home to clean to LOL biggrin.gif so it can't be that bad biggrin.gif
*I don't mind cleaning I LOVE a fresh smelling clean home my place is spotless 90% of the time (unless I get lax OR my kids have tons of company LOL) but for the most part I'm so neat you could eat off a toilet seat (not that you'd want to but it could be done here LOL! thats how clean I keep my place LOL)
I can't wait till my first check comes in biggrin.gif I should get a GREAT big chunk biggrin.gif

Oldest minis of Mara!
17 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
1st Oct 2007 05:58

Trying to get as many members as possible to join in on this project of mine, I vaguly recall an after thought from the sites creator suggesting that this could be an award in the future but this was something stated almost 2 years ago so I guess it's out of the picture now...he's been so busy so I don't expect him to remember something that was a suggested possibility... Maybe if this goes well...
Anyway I decided to make my own figured MANY would like this option so I did my own page, and low and behold, it took off... so fast in fact I was shocked! Whats even a bigger shocker is how many people have minis OVER 500 days of age! and how many who have made it past 800 days!! We even have two with minis over 1000 days! So if your reading this and want to join in here's what you need to do,
To find the age of a mini pet by, clicking on a pet you think has an old mini and then find that mini and click on it... this is the minis "age page"
This is the link I need to see as proof for age biggrin.gif mail this to me and I'll add you.
1 mini per member make sure it's your oldest one ok biggrin.gif
Make sure your mini is 500 days or OVER thats how they get on that page.
I will create a screenshot and host the image and remember the mini HAS to have a name ok... No one wants to see a mini named NO NAME...
There's an award in my page to thats coded for you for your profile, now I know it's NOT an offical award but it looks like one biggrin.gif & there's no need to down load it either use it on your own as is biggrin.gif it will work biggrin.gif
If you like the Oldest minis of mara let me know biggrin.gif maybe we can get Ian to make it an offical part of marapets in the future when he's not so busy!

My trading Guide lines, read in full!
17 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
3rd Sep 2007 10:41

Getting tired of sob stories, and stupid offers of 100 Mp, a rotten potatoe and a plead of PLEASE...on a 3 million MP item.

So here are a few guidelines to go buy when trying to get a trade from me.

1. If it says PURE this means ONLY that particular currency is what I am looking for and IN FULL
so if it says 2.9 mill MP I WANT 2.9 mill MP not a rotten potatoe and 20K in bp

2. K MEANS 1000 (thousand) so 200K means 200 thousand! or 200,000 Got it ...

3. If I am requesting an item of a particular theme/color ect...ONLY that item will get you the item I am swaping for.

4. NO junk offers... it will be rejected...

5. NO PLEASE...offers... it will be rejected.

6. Do NOT mail me saying how mean I am or telling me, that item is ONLY..(incert price here) I DO NOT care what you have to say about the prices, I can sell for what I want, and if your quoting prices from the main site search and not the fourms then I really don't want to hear it LOL... this place is a sellers market for items that are "in demand" even if they are cheap if they are in demand they get more expensive.

7. I will add more as I see fit for now...just bid what I ask...if you don't like it tough, try and find it cheaper elsewhere...

17 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
31st Aug 2007 12:36

OMG I'm so excited! I went to Manpower today and I was placed within an hour with a new job!
I went thinking that all they would do was test my abilities and I'd be on my way to sit at home by the phone waiting for them to tell me where I would be working at. (Manpower it like a temp agency now but with benifits) Anyway I went and the lady that works there Diane, was so nice biggrin.gif I did my typing test (I still suck at spelling) and I got 42 WPM ! I was stunned *but with errors I'm down to biggie but hey least I'm over 20 LOL biggrin.gif* I also do administration examination and made an 86! She said I was best suited for Office administration biggrin.gif so she did some searching told me there's a temp job for 2 weeks with one company and I could get my feet wet there biggrin.gif so on Tuesday I will be temping there so I can get use to things biggrin.gif Once my security refrences clear she wants me placed at the local Bank and work as a teller first and since Manpower here will help their temp employees get courses (thats if you want to advance) I will be doing that as soon as I'm allowed, I think I'll go for either certified accoutant or maybe something else bank related, either way I'd make damn good money. I'm all excited thou biggrin.gif
and the biggest beinfit, I can stll play in here when I'm not busy! HEHEHE!

trying to get a job...
17 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
30th Aug 2007 06:27

well it took 8 weeks...
and I finally got an answer...
back 4 years ago when I worked at U-Haul and had to leave there was a general manager there whom disliked me because I didn't stand for his "women should know their place" remarks. Now my former supervisor Conn, KNOWS about this incident but unfourtunally due to the GM being the boss at the time and putting down no-rehire on my release papers, I can't have my former U-Haul job back... sad.gif and my former supervisor is PO'ed about it to cause he liked having me work for U-haul. In his words

"She's the best dammed maintainance supervisor we ever had, and your gonnna allow the worse General manager in our history decide wether she comes back or not!?"

What I don't understand is the guy that USE to be the General mananger there was SOOO bad at HIS job, they demoted cashier, what bites is HE can stay but I can't even return! I mean come on now! I never relized having a child with cancer was a reason to prevent someone from returning to a job they loved, but I guess the old double standards still fit...and are still running rampid...that bugger is gonna get his just deserts one of these days what goes around comea around, but in the long run it's ok cause I got a better job line anyway biggrin.gif doing something I love biggrin.gif so here's hoping I hear back from the Wade company soon if I do i'll be working graphic design for their printing comapny, WAY better than what I ever expected to get LOL!
(damn good money to!wink.gif

  1. 1.5 Billion
    21st Jan 2025 15:13
    1 month, 23 days & 6 hrs ago
  2. 1 billion!!
    31st Aug 2024 18:31
    6 months, 13 days & 4 hrs ago
  3. HUGE double or nothing win!!!
    20th Dec 2023 18:08
    1 year, 2 months & 26 days ago
  4. June 1st monthly check list winner Xs 2!!!
    1st Jun 2023 18:50
    1 year, 9 months & 14 days ago
  5. New Year starts with a win!
    1st Jan 2023 08:05
    2 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  6. On a winning roll!
    10th Dec 2022 15:09
    2 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
  7. STILL Stunned that I won this! OMG!
    9th Dec 2022 05:43
    2 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  8. 3 cards to go!
    10th Oct 2022 19:17
    2 years, 5 months & 5 days ago
  9. 100 scratch cards and my wins
    9th Oct 2022 18:38
    2 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
  10. HOW... in the world?
    9th Oct 2022 07:01
    2 years, 5 months & 6 days ago